I just bought into this game recently. I'm super excited, but I'm by far the most interested person in my area that I know of. What practical advice or tips do people have for growing a community or running demo games?
My initial thought is to do smaller (100pt) games; I was thinking maybe one 3x3 map with Daqan vs. Waiqar and another 3x3 of Latari vs. Uthuk. The idea being keep the games short and not overly complicated, but highlight some really cool things about each of the factions. To that end any tips on good demo lists? Not looking for super highly-tuned lists, but more things that are fun and balanced without too many triggers or gotchas.
Are leagues (slow grow/escalation or otherwise) good for building the community? If so, any specific tips on how to structure the leagues. If not, is open play better?
Do you market the game differently to different player bases (assuming the answer is yes), if so how so? How do you market to a Warhammer Fantasy Battles/Age of Sigmar player versus a Warmachine/Hordes player?
Community building tips? Should you have a discord server? Community rules/expectations page?
Really, I'm looking at starting a community from the ground up and would like to learn from the lessons everyone else here has learned along the way. Thanks for all the help!