Sweeping Strikes and closing in

By Uthoroc, in Runewars Rules Questions

We had the following situation in yesterday's game: Lord Hawthorne with Sweeping Strikes is engaged with a unit and makes a melee attack. He destroys one tray and closes in. Now he is in range 1 to another unit (which he wasn't before). Can he make a melee attack against that second unit?

I am going to say no because his ability is a while effect and therefore only works while he is performing a melee attack. As soon as there are no more eligible targets and all damage is resolved than the melee action is over with. So the closing in speed 1 shift is a whole new action that, while optional, takes place after the Lord Hawthorne is done doing his melee effect.

Edited by Brikhause

Is it a "while" effect? It says "after you perform a melee attack".

We ruled he could do it in our game, but weren't really sure.

By the rules as written, I would say yes. But it might be worth sending a query to FFG to be sure.

2 hours ago, Uthoroc said:

Is it a "while" effect? It says "after you perform a melee attack".

We ruled he could do it in our game, but weren't really sure.

It’s an effect that is designated by a melee symbol thus happens “while” you are conducting a melee action. Once the melee is done the effect is over and doing a closing in signifies that you are finished doing a melee.


17 Closing In
If two units are engaged and a game effect removes one or more trays from one of those units such that those units are no longer engaged, the unit that did not have any trays removed may close in.

Looking at "Closing In" in the Rules Reference, it doesn't say anything about "after an attack is completed." It happens when one or more trays are removed, so it is possible that Lord Hawthorne could attack, remove some trays, interrupt to close in, then check to see if there are legal targets after his attack. I could very easily see it going the other way, so I think this definitely needs to be addressed in an FAQ.