vanilla descent question

By MentyPython, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

we came upon some questions during or last game of vanilla descent;

can the "crystal of tival" card be discarded at any point of the game or only at the start of the game, the card states: discard after equipping at the start of your turn to recover 6 wounds and restore your fatigue to its maximum value

when you have "cloak of deception" equipped, and the overlord plays a crushing block trap card (or any other trap card) can you still use its ability (rolling a power die to cancel 1 wound for each blank rolled) to cancel wounds i know the trap card states it ignores armor (so you can't lessen the trap's effect by armor, but it's also called a cloak of "deception"...)


There's a really old ruling from some previous incarnation of these forums that the crystal of tival (and similar items) can only be used at the start of your turn, after you re-equip. A copy of it is buried deep in the gathered list of answered questions . There's potentially some subtle issues with that ruling, but it's what we have.

The word "armor" has multilple meanings in Descent. Stuff that "ignores armor" means that it ignores your armor stat, not that it ignores all properties of items of type "armor". So the "+1 armor" on the Cloak of Deception doesn't reduce the damage, but the "roll a power die for each wound..." part still works. That's also a really old ruling that never made it into the FAQ, but if you think through the other options, it's really the only plausible choice: if "ignores armor" meant only armor items, then heroes with high base armor would be effectively immune to most traps and damaging terrain, in addition to aura, burn, and bleed; and if they were deliberately using both definitions of a mulitply-defined word at once, they'd be forced to commit seppuku.

thanx for the clarification,

thats what i thought about the cloak of deception... altough in the end we played it the other way around,

btw, nice work on the expansion EE didn't play it yet, but it seems intresting,

the endurance calculator also comes in handy...

thx again!