Painting Duration

By escutcheon, in Runewars Painting and Modeling

I just finished two trays of Reanimate Archers after about 12 hours of work. I consider myself a slow painter, so I'm curious: how long does it take you to paint a tray of infantry? Cavalry? Seige? Hero?

I'd be interested to know this for your tabletop standard and your best standard.

Hm. I can’t tell myself as I paint for about an hour here or there. I tend to take the assembly line approach of painting the same detail on each mini in a batch. It cuts down on overall time but makes it hard to stay focused for long periods. I still feel like I’m slow. I also dont don’t do a lot of the highlights and extras that others do.

I’m down around 45-60m per figure on average

I take about an hour per infantry unit, so ~4.5 hours for a tray, if I paint the tray. A bit less time for a tray of most cavalry, as they tend to have stretches of flank that doesn't have as much detail. Siege really depends on what it is, and how fancy I get, but probably ~3 hours per tray.

Depends on the mini. Daqan and Waiqar infantry are pretty quick to paint (25 to 30 mins a figure) Latari take a little longer (45-50 mins). Conversely the Scions are much quicker to paint that worms and Rune Gollums. Hero and focus figures (standard bearers, musicians, etc) get to he character treatment, 15 mins to 30 mins a figure more depending on size and complexity.

I take a very long time. I do the assembly line technique, so I don't have a grasp on how long it takes per tray. Several hours, for sure. I'm guessing about 5 hours per tray. I only get about 1 hour at a time, so I'm just guessing. I feel like I'm closer to finishing my Uthuk Y'llan army, but I won't post pictures until I'm done. Then it's back to skeletons.

I do so many (probably redundant) layers that it's hard to put a time on it. I think I spent about 40 hours on 8 Flesh Rippers. So that's, what ... 5 hours per figure, including the basing?

It's very hard to tell as I work in little bouts and snatches here and there, but I'd guess the recent 4 flesh rippers took me about 3-4 hours in total spread over 3 days.

Thank you for the data. It seems like an hour per figure is a decent benchmark.

And Budgernaut, I don't feel so slow any more ?

Depends on how many I've painted and how sure I am of what colors/techniques I want.

First tray is going to take a little while, but for most units I can break it down to ~1 hour per tray.

On 6/26/2018 at 8:27 PM, escutcheon said:

Thank you for the data. It seems like an hour per figure is a decent benchmark.

And Budgernaut, I don't feel so slow any more ?

The funny thing is that I recently bought some expansions and my store put them in an Army Painter bag. I read the slogan and chuckled: "Get more time for gaming." I'm totally not using my Army Painter paints the way they were intended. :D

It's hard to say. You could paint two uthuk army boxes in two weekend afternoons (excl. fancy weapon effects) because you are only using 2-3 colors but spend dozens of hours painting 5 shadespire Skaven.

Edited by Polda