Hi all,
I've been running a combined EotE/AoR/FnD campaign for several years. We're nearing the end of the campaign as originally conceived but the overall story will continue in another campaign (think this campaign is the Hobbit, next will come Lord of the Rings).
My players have expressed interest in continuing to use their same characters in the next campaign. However those characters are very high level now (over 1,200 xp, 4+ specs each with incredible gear). Play is still fun and they are still challenged by things, but the start of the next campaign is meant to be at a much less high-level place than the end of this one (they are currently up against elite enemies- Inquisitors, Grand Admirals, etc- the next campaign is meant to be essentially lower level).
My players love their characters and I'd like to accommodate this wish, but their characters are very cumbersome (6 page character sheets, so many talents they forget to use half of them, etc) and they are so powerful they would breeze through everything in the early stages of the next campaign.
The easiest thing would be to mandate we start over with new characters (and the old characters become Kenobi/Yoda-like NPCs, etc).
However I'd like to entertain the possibility of letting them play their old characters. To do that I was thinking of altering the characters in the following ways:
At Start of New Campaign:
- Reduce EotE/AoR characters to 10 signature talents (including improved versions- supreme full throttle counts as 1 talent and so on).
- Reduce FnD characters to 8 signature talents. Reduce force powers to first two tiers (no upgrades beyond second row on the chart).
- Reduce skills, Force Rating, and attributes by 2 (5 and 6 become 4, 4 becomes 3, 3 becomes 2, 2 remains unchanged).
- Start with one new spec with no XP spent in it. Consider any newly purchased specs to be their 3rd spec.
- All gear reduced to basic (they've fallen on hard times and lost much of their specialized gear- except their ship though it may have lost some upgrades)
The idea here would be to simplify their very complex characters, but give them the opportunity to keep the abilities they consider central to their identity, while resetting gear progression and giving them room to continue progressing on their old paths or the option of progressing in totally different directions as they start a new lengthy campaign.
This would have to be an all or nothing choice by the group (they all use the high-level modified PCs or we all start over. Balancing old PCs done this way with newly created ones would be extremely difficult to do well).
I know that this is a very unscientific method of handling it, the idea is to get the feel of their characters right and worry about balance as we discover issues (one player could pick a lot of tiered talents, while another doesn't, effectively giving the player with tiered talents more power and so on).
Has anyone tried anything like this or had similar scenarios?
Any thoughts on the viability of this?
Many thanks for any thoughts or insights you care to share!