Are we ever going to see the Spy book?

By damnkid3, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion RPG

Now with the force and Destiny specializations books finished the only one missing is the Spy book from Age of Rebellion. Has any word come out about what is going on with that book and when we may expect to see it?

How do you know you don't already have it?

But the real answer is probably no.

Pure guess here, but I predict the end of July.

The last few of the delayed books hit shelves at the end of the month. Knights of Fate is releasing pretty much on schedule rather than being held until after Cyphers and Masks is released, so that takes this month’s slot.

Another question regarding this: Are there any further books planned? The whole production seems to have been abandoned a little. But in all games (eote, aor, fad) there are books missing (specializations, not to speak of other supplementals or adventures..)

What specializations are missing, aside from Cyphers ?

Nothing has been announced, but I'm still having a gut feeling that a 2e is waiting to drop after they've had the last career book out for few months.

10 hours ago, HappyDaze said:

Nothing has been announced, but I'm still having a gut feeling that a 2e is waiting to drop after they've had the last career book out for few months.

They go this route and they will lose a lot of fans. The 4th Edition Model is not one to emulate.

That said, the lack of announcements does little for confidence in the line. ****, the last book realized was done before it’s preview articles were released, so it’s like they stopped caring. AOR more so. Fully Operational and Cyphers are both examples of how they don’t seem interested in putting out content on schedule or saying what prevented them. Truly disheartening. The system they built just needs content, not Gensys style reformation.

12 hours ago, Khazadune said:

They go this route and they will lose a lot of fans. The 4th Edition Model is not one to emulate.

That said, the lack of announcements does little for confidence in the line. ****, the last book realized was done before it’s preview articles were released , so it’s like they stopped caring. AOR more so. Fully Operational and Cyphers are both examples of how they don’t seem interested in putting out content on schedule or saying what prevented them. Truly disheartening. The system they built just needs content, not Gensys style reformation.

That has happened before a few times before, though. Savage Spirits and Lead by Example both don't have multiple preview articles, just announcement and release.

13 hours ago, Khazadune said:

They go this route and they will lose a lot of fans. The 4th Edition Model is not one to emulate.

I wonder abour that .

52 minutes ago, kaosoe said:

4E was not just bad because it abandoned a system peopled loved, it also went to one that was, frankly, not based in RPG’s but in computer games. Gensys conversion would make a similar mistake in abandoning a beloved product for one that is based upon something inconsistent with what made this one successful. In this case, Star Wars as a unique setting, not a generic one.

Clearly you did not read the article. None of your comments addressed the points it was making.

It is also possible than Cipher and Mask will be the last product and the release article will say so. I personnaly would want to more adventures, I love pre-written stuff, but if FFG feels the cycle is complete, then so be it.

3 hours ago, kaosoe said:

Clearly you did not read the article. None of your comments addressed the points it was making.

I did read the article, and I agree that a game hits a point where too much is out for it and the only way to keep making money is to relaunch. This is where I feel FFG's SW games are at this point, and that is why I suspect a 2e (or Revised & Expanded if you prefer) is in the works. It may alienate existing fans that have already bought hundreds of dollars of product but it will also allow them to repackage the game and make an easy entry for new players that have yet to realize that the "one book" they are buying is a gateway to spending hundreds of dollars on what is to come. IOW, it's all about the money.

3 hours ago, kaosoe said:

Clearly you did not read the article. None of your comments addressed the points it was making.

I did in fact read the article. I do in fact disagree with the premise that you are herein making, i.e. that profits are going to drop off because content saturation has taken place, thereby necessitating a new edition. You in fact sidestepped my original statement in referencing the failure of 4th Edition, the failure of it to capitalize on the successful attributes of its previous iteration by applying a video game style approach to its hero powers and other nonsense that had no place in the rules. My analogy herein is that substituting the existing system for a Gensys take on it would again fail to recognize the differences in the system are inherently its strengths.

Sales of things like DOR should indicate that your assumptions regarding content viability are not founded, at least yet.

It's worth noting that if one looks at the Upcoming schedule for RPGs, there's an awful lot of reprints of older Star Wars books scheduled.

While it's not impossible that FFG is going to be looking towards a new edition at some point in the future, it doesn't seem to be anytime soon.

And if a new edition is on the near horizon, then FFG's doesn't seem to be looking at any major redesigns of the system. After all, even WotC cut back on reprints of their D&D books when a new edition was on the near horizon. After all, why reprint a bunch of books that are going to be obsolete within a year or two?

You don't specifically have to publish a new edition (2e) to produce a second wave of books.

FFG could also look at producing different kinds of supplementary books. Adventures aren't necessarily best sellers, but they can help extend a line, and a few more good ones for each line would likely be welcome. There are also other regions of space. Two of my favorite books are The Lords of Nal Hutta and Suns of Fortune . Nexus of Power and Strongholds of Resistance are also fairly good. I would argue the Arkanis Sector is ripe for a sourcebook, and the Senex-Juvex-Anoat region would also be interesting. What about Coruscant? The old D6 game had a Mos Eisely book. What about a starport book with some cool examples of starports, shadowports, and their denizens? There are also eras to explore: Old Republic, Rise of the Empire, and the current film era. Or subcultures and organizations: what about and underworld book that details the Black Sun, Crimson Dawn, et al? What about Compnor or the Corporate Sector? They have far from drained the well for potential books to publish.

Edited by Vondy
3 hours ago, Donovan Morningfire said:

It's worth noting that if one looks at the Upcoming schedule for RPGs, there's an awful lot of reprints of older Star Wars books scheduled.

FFG had reprints of the WH40K and WFRP in the pipeline while those lines lay effectively dead. They only dropped them off once they had made the announcement.

42 minutes ago, Vondy said:

They have far from drained the well for potential books to publish.

It's not smart to drain the well before switching editions. You want to save some of the newness for the new version so it has some features that are not retreads. But this still misses the point that the most money is made shortly into the life of a line (mainly on core rules), not on expansions made several years into the line.

42 minutes ago, HappyDaze said:

It's not smart to drain the well before switching editions. You want to save some of the newness for the new version so it has some features that are not retreads. But this still misses the point that the most money is made shortly into the life of a line (mainly on core rules), not on expansions made several years into the line.

If they are planning on simply recreating the existing system then it ain’t worth a new edition. One would hope they would launch new careers etc. and it’s unlikely that any new content is really going to recreate core elements of the system. New content will likely explore systems, lore, ships, equipment and universal specializations. I highly doubt any new content would be proposed which would expand the core classes with potential 2nd Edition careers. We need at least to explore the other timelines before a new system is even floated. This system hasn’t even reached its half life in terms of potential content to explore. But time will tell which direction they go in. I can say that any 2nd Edition launched prior to fans being ready to move to that system will be a dismal failure and lose more fans then it attracts because they will have lost faith in the brand supporting its content through a true realization of the system.

The article that we both read suggests a different outcome. Current fans being ready to move on matters far less than reducing the barrier for new fans to get in.

There is still so much scope for additional source books, especially era based books. We have a Rebels/Rogue One book, but what about:

  • Clone Wars
  • Favreau TV series era (7 years after Battle of Yavin - so post RotJ era)
  • Resistance Era (although the bitter fan trolls will hate that one)
  • Old Republic

Then of course there are PLENTY of location based books they can release.

I really hope they don't go down the 2nd Ed path, unless they release a supplemental CRB bring the different rules together, and perhaps updating some of the clarifications (ie use the Genesys Vehicle Combat rules)...actually, I like that idea and I would buy it, even though I have all 3 CRBs :)

3 hours ago, Andreievitch said:

There is still so much scope for additional source books, especially era based books. We have a Rebels/Rogue One book, but what about:

  • Clone Wars
  • Favreau TV series era (7 years after Battle of Yavin - so post RotJ era)
  • Resistance Era (although the bitter fan trolls will hate that one)
  • Old Republic

Then of course there are PLENTY of location based books they can release.

I really hope they don't go down the 2nd Ed path, unless they release a supplemental CRB bring the different rules together, and perhaps updating some of the clarifications (ie use the Genesys Vehicle Combat rules)...actually, I like that idea and I would buy it, even though I have all 3 CRBs :)

All of those ideas you mention could also be great nuggets to polish for a 2e launch. Then they get you to buy them... and a new core rulebook (or three) too!

4 minutes ago, HappyDaze said:

All of those ideas you mention could also be great nuggets to polish for a 2e launch. Then they get you to buy them... and a new core rulebook (or three) too!

Speculation and cynicism at its finest ;)

On 7/2/2018 at 1:35 AM, Andreievitch said:
  • Resistance Era (although the bitter fan trolls will hate that one)

That's a good enough reason to do it, right there ?

On 7/1/2018 at 9:24 PM, HappyDaze said:

All of those ideas you mention could also be great nuggets to polish for a 2e launch. Then they get you to buy them... and a new core rulebook (or three) too!

If they do a relaunch and keep with the 3 core rulebook base, I suspect they will lose many sales. I would migrate to 2e if it had a thick core rulebook, then add playstyle books. So buy core book once, then add Edge/Age/TCW/TFA as a supplement.