Hello Beta Testers!
Thanks for all your efforts so far! The feedback so far has been extremely helpful and we’ve got an update to the Enlightenment rules this week based on that feedback. Additionally, new cards have been added to the banned list, and a new Frequently Asked Questions section has been added to the document! All of these changes are marked in red in the document for easy identification.
The biggest change rules wise with this update is concerning the honor loss a player takes when they are the defender in an unopposed conflict. This honor loss has been eliminated in the enlightenment format. This should make it a less painful if multiple players are attacking a single player with their defenses down.
Additionally small clarifications have been made to various parts of the document to add clarity or keep the base rules in line.
Look out for the next survey, which will be coming up later this week.
Thanks for all your efforts!
-Brad Andres
Updated Rules: