Amount of cards

By Naity, in StarCraft

Hello Everybody,

I lately bought Starcraft, The Board Game. I was today unpacking it and counting the content of the box. I faced something surprisig (beside the broken spaceships who seems to be usual) : The amount of card I have do not match the on of the rulebook.

I have the game in english and the rulebook says me :

  • Zerg Faction : 18 Combat Cards, 22 Technology Cards
  • Protoss Faction : 18 Combat Cards, 20 Technology Cards
  • Terran Faction : 18 Combat Cards, 21 Technology Cards

But, after checking, I counted :

  • Zerg Facition : 22 Combat Cards, 18 Technology Cards
  • Protoss Facion : 22 Combar Cards, 16 Technology Cards
  • Terran Faction : 25 Combat Cards, 14 Technology Cards

I wanted to know if this mistake come from a bad repartition in my game or if the rules "changed" and that the rulebook in not actual anymore.

Thanks in advance :)


Technology Cards are every cards, which have costs printed on them and a black point at the bottom, which indicates, how many cards of this kind are in the game. So when for example looking at Stimpack you see costs of 1 Minerals and 1 Gas (i think^^) and two of these SMALL black points/circles/whatever at the bottom.

So Stimpack, Siege Mode, (Spider) Mines, Nuclear Strike, Increased Carrier Capacity and so on are counted as Technology Cards, because you have to research them in order to get them.

The Cards with the +1 Defense for terrans/protoss and +1 Attack (if there is a supporting unit in this skirmish) for Zerg are NO technology cards. These are counting to be Combat Cards.

I think that's the "whole problem" ;)

You probably thought every card having a attack and defense value is a combat card and every card having not, is a technology card, but thats not completly right :D

Luuna said:

You probably thought every card having a attack and defense value is a combat card and every card having not, is a technology card, but thats not completly right :D

I did ^^. I usually check the content of a box listed on the first page of the rulebook) before going though it (or the first step let's say). That was my mistake. Thanks for the precisions :)