Drive Link -- Variant Cover Version
Over the past couple weeks I've been working on a subsystem for handling superpowers, based on the way that Force powers work in SWRPG.
My intent was to facilitate cinematic combat; in most superhero movies, combat is highly mobile, with characters knocking one-another into the air and winding up for big attacks and making use of their environments. Also, as much as possible, I tried to include some out-of-combat applications of powers, such as using your Speed to steal items or using Energy Projection to disrupt electronics. Finally, I wanted to balance the need for characters to be vulnerable with their ability to do incredible things. As such, I made heavy use of the Strain economy: If you want to drop a train on someone, you can, but it's going to cost you.
I 'm not 100% sure about game balance. I ran most things past the Discord community, but suggestions for balancing the XP prices are appreciated.
Edited by IndianaWalshNewVersion