Clone Wars Supplement

By Dinausor, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion RPG

I made a Clone Wars supplement :

Feedback is welcome

Update 06/25/18

I finished the colonies and the inner rim section.

Update 06/20/18

I finished the core worlds section for now.

Update 06/17/18

I started the Coruscant Underworld.

Update 06/16/18

I changed the Lucrehulk stats

I added the Jedi Order and Galactic Senate sections to Coruscant

I added a table of contents

Edited by Dinausor

Nice work, Emilejos.


This is pretty awesome! I might actually use some of this for one of my campaigns if that's cool. Out of interest, how did you come up with the stats for the ships and stuff?

Is it just me or does the table of contents page only have the number 4 on it?

I like the work, looks great!

wow! awesome job! i'm still new to gming FF star wars but some of the stats seems vulture droid +4 handling. But I could be under-scaling everything. great job!

2 hours ago, themensch said:

Is it just me or does the table of contents page only have the number 4 on it?

I like the work, looks great!

Nope, not you. The table of contents doesn't seem to have been filled out.

Some of the stats seem a bit wonky. The Lucrehulk battleship should probably be Sil 9, and as it's a converted freighter it's shouldn't be nearly as tough, let alone tougher, to deal with than the Praetor II from the core rules. The armament is also a bit off; there's about the right amount of laser cannons, but there's way more turbolasers on that thing than any source I can find.

I'd suggest these mods:

Silhouette: 9
HTT: 180
SST: 75
Armor: 8

Crew: 350-500

Passengers: 10 sentients and 139,000 battledroids

V ehicle complement: 6,520 AATs, 550 MTTs and 50 C-9979 landing craft

Starfighters: 1,500 Vulture-class starfighters

Weapons: 184 Quad laser cannons (Arc: 46 Forward, 46 Starboard, 46 Port and 46 Rear, Range: Close, Damage 5, Crit 3, Accurate 1, Linked 3)

520 Medium laser cannons (Arc: 130 Forward, 130 Starboard, 130 Port and 130 Rear, Range: Close, Damage 6, Crit 3)

42 Quad medium turbolaser batteries (Arc: 9 Forward, 12 Starboard, 12 Port and 9 Rear, Range: Long, Damage 10, Crit 3, Breach 3, Slow-firing 1, Linked 3)

51 Light turbolaser batteries (Arc: 9 Forward, 16 Starboard, 16 Port and 10 Rear, Range: Medium, Damage 9, Crit 3, Breach 2, Slow-firing 1)

Massive: 2

I relied mostly on this article as source for the weapons:

As for the weapons placements, the sides seems to be where there's the most room for them, so when not distributed evenly, more went there and less at the front/rear.

As for the lasers, having tons of them in the same arc is a bit iffy as it allows you to do insane amounts of damage with Concentrated Barrage (1 advantage to add damage equal to the number of weapons involved in the attack), but that's more an issue with the rules than the stats.

It seemed to me that a design as "open" as the Lucrehulk would be hard to armor compared to something like a Star Destroyer, and considering it's a civilian design, it shouldn't be as sturdy, even if reinforced.

Needs Geonosians. :)

2 hours ago, Demon4x4 said:

Needs Geonosians. :)

They're gonna be added with the Geonosis section. ?

On 6/15/2018 at 1:53 PM, Rabobankrider said:

This is pretty awesome! I might actually use some of this for one of my campaigns if that's cool. Out of interest, how did you come up with the stats for the ships and stuff?

I made a lot of the stats myself with the help of others on the r/swrpg discord. I found some of the stats while searching for images. Some things already had stats in the books so I left them unchanged.

Edited by emilejos

I think I'd have made the Vulture droids a silhouette 2, but I suppose I could see the argument for silhouette 3.

3 hours ago, Demon4x4 said:

I think I'd have made the Vulture droids a silhouette 2, but I suppose I could see the argument for silhouette 3.

I could have made them sil 3, it doesn’t change a lot anyway .

Should I add anything to the Coruscant section ?

Nice piece of work, really nice, I've been looking for something like this for a long time. As far as I can tell it's pretty well balanced, I'd just like the descriptions for stuff to be more detailed, maybe explanations to what they're doing around during the Galactic War era, and some general prices available for the droids.

Well... on second thought now that I look more closely, maybe the Venator Star Destroyer and Lucrehulk should be toned down a little statistically so that they're inferior to an Imperial 1 Star Destroyer while the starfighter, vehicle, and soldier complement should be massively cut down. As it is here a Lucrehulk looks like it could take down a fleet of Imperial Star Destroyers just on it's starfighter strength alone by itself even taking into allowance the general inferiority of Separatist fighters, then there's a significantly higher number of cannons on both ships compared to the IMP 1 and especially the Victory, which is supposed to be the Venator's successor. The starfighter and soldier complement for all of the vehicles are accurate to what they should be in canon but insanely high compared to the vehicles of the official FFG books, which admittedly is probably because the starfighter and soldier complement seems to have gone down drastically in the Galactic Civil War era. Unless you're not going for something comparable to the FFG official stuff of course.

Edited by immortalfrieza

On page 19, it repeats a block of text describing the Z-95 that is also found on page 17.