I had never heard of this origins game fair, but certainly I'd say Runewars has the system to warrant an award!
I had never heard of this origins game fair, but certainly I'd say Runewars has the system to warrant an award!
Such an underrated game. Really.
This really is a well designed game. So much better than legion!
Nice that it’s getting some press, however niche it might be. I play 4 of ffgs minis games regularly, and Runewars remains the most compelling, intricate, well designed game.
Origins is kind of a big deal in the board gaming community. Sure, GenCon has stolen a lot of its releases and debuts over the years, but Origins is still an important convention for the industry, with a lot of networking and announcements oriented towards the actual insiders in the industry (designers, publishers, and retail management) that still goes on there.
I'm super excited to hear about this nomination. The awards look like they'll be announced/given out this Saturday. The Origins website is hilariously out of date, though, so I can't find information about this year's nominees, just last year's winners.
Edit: Was able to find the full list of nominees here : Rune Wars Minis is up against 8th Edition 40k, Blood and Plunder, and The Walking Dead Miniatures Game. Stiff competition, but its novelty and relatively good balance might give it an edge over 8th Edition.
Edited by kaffis12 hours ago, kaffis said:Edit: Was able to find the full list of nominees here : Rune Wars Minis is up against 8th Edition 40k, Blood and Plunder, and The Walking Dead Miniatures Game. Stiff competition, but its novelty and relatively good balance might give it an edge over 8th Edition.
Wow, it's up against a new 40k edition? Seems like apples and oranges -- a brand-new creation vs. a mere revision of an existing game. (One could argue about how extensive the revision is, but still -- GW already had a lot to work with, including factions.) I do hope it wins. In many ways, Runewars is what Warhammer Fantasy Battles should have been.
Edited by Fritz66It's going to be very hard for RW to win a popularity contest against 8th edition 40k. But still very cool to see it get nominated.
1 hour ago, Glucose98 said:It's going to be very hard for RW to win a popularity contest against 8th edition 40k. But still very cool to see it get nominated.
I for one find this very frustrating. I am not fond of the way Warhammer games play at all (though I can't help but be jealous of the models). As a tabletop game I find RuneWars tight rules and dial system to be so much more compelling and fun. I don't think there is any comparison here.
40k is honestly a better "customize and collect" type game and has deeper lore. But RuneWars has far more developed and well tuned gameplay, and I feel that should be the deciding factor here...
But I could just be a RuneWars fanboy at this point...
1 hour ago, QuickWhit said:I for one find this very frustrating. I am not fond of the way Warhammer games play at all (though I can't help but be jealous of the models). As a tabletop game I find RuneWars tight rules and dial system to be so much more compelling and fun. I don't think there is any comparison here.
40k is honestly a better "customize and collect" type game and has deeper lore. But RuneWars has far more developed and well tuned gameplay, and I feel that should be the deciding factor here...
But I could just be a RuneWars fanboy at this point...
RW is amazing. It's ok. I think the mechanics are deeply interesting. It's just been so under-exposed to the gaming community. We have to keep this tiny group going and hopefully pull in new people.
1 hour ago, QuickWhit said:I for one find this very frustrating. I am not fond of the way Warhammer games play at all (though I can't help but be jealous of the models). As a tabletop game I find RuneWars tight rules and dial system to be so much more compelling and fun. I don't think there is any comparison here.
40k is honestly a better "customize and collect" type game and has deeper lore. But RuneWars has far more developed and well tuned gameplay, and I feel that should be the deciding factor here...
But I could just be a RuneWars fanboy at this point...
While warhammer definitely has a lot of lore, it's not a world I want to spend time in. It's so dark and horrifying. I much prefer the fantasy world of Runewars. I also don't have to worry about hyper-sexual or disgusting models when I eventually introduce my kid to the game.
53 minutes ago, Hepitude said:While warhammer definitely has a lot of lore, it's not a world I want to spend time in. It's so dark and horrifying. I much prefer the fantasy world of Runewars. I also don't have to worry about hyper-sexual or disgusting models when I eventually introduce my kid to the game.
This is an excellent point. I have already introduced my 9 and 8 year old boys to Runewars. I would not introduce them to Warhammer...
Did Age of Sigmar add something really bad to the lore? I’ve played RPGs and Wargames in both the Old World and the Dark Millenium for decades and I don’t think either are completely hostile to children. I was all of 13 when WFRP came out and I certainly don’t remember my parents having an issue with anything in it.
7 minutes ago, Major Tom said:Did Age of Sigmar add something really bad to the lore? I’ve played RPGs and Wargames in both the Old World and the Dark Millenium for decades and I don’t think either are completely hostile to children. I was all of 13 when WFRP came out and I certainly don’t remember my parents having an issue with anything in it.
Did they google image search anything related to slaanesh?
In 1986?
Realm of Chaos wasn’t even released until 1988, and this was the era of the chainmail bikini on the front of every D&D module. The Chaos gods arn’t the be-all and end-all of Warhammer.
There are plenty of reasons for conservative folks to be wary of Warhammer. The image of the "church" painted by inquisitors and the very gothic, heresy and punishment elements aren't very savory, and don't have much kind to say about religion. Cults abound, and even the traditional military is all about cynically throwing bodies into the grinder as a necessary sacrifice to victory. On the more modern, trendy end of things to criticize the setting for, more liberal folks will be quick to identify and jump on the toxic male power fantasies testosterone-injected into every faces of the Space Marines, and so on. And that's even before you consider all the factions with expressly started genocidal motivations....
I think we just hit irreconcilable cultural differences. I’ve certainly never had a problem with the depiction of religion in either the Old World or the Dark Millennium and find the Imperial Guard as a parody of WWI, the Zulu Wars, Vietnam, etc both amusing and insightful.
Regardless, I am very pleased with Rune Wars getting regognition and enjoy the heroic fantasy of Terrinoth too. I’m very much of the opinion that we’re playing the best rank & file fantasy war game on the market today.
FYI, Warhammer won the award I believe.
It did. Destiny won for FFG, though, beating out this year's Magic: TG cycle, so wow.
7 hours ago, Zaaik said:FYI, Warhammer won the award I believe.
I'm sorry, but the dial and tray is much more initiative than: "we did some re balancing and fixed stuff people bitched about"
Not unexpected, but a shame. Still, we should be happy that we are considered in the same breath as a game that has been hugely popular since the 1980s and until recently was the biggest minis game going.