Alright. I’m looking through the list of cards I don’t play and saw this guy. With only the Reanimates able to bring him, just what is he for?
Heartseeker; No ranged attack. No equipment for Fire Rune
Shield of Margath: 1 Armor. So this is a really inefficient way to go.
Duskblade: With two reds and no guarantee way to add dice, you can’t trigger this more than maybe once every 2-3 Games. Even with some ridiculous Combat Ingenuity in there for an 18 point, sometimes triggers combo. Though if you had a flank and added a blue, you could actually do truly bonkers effective damage.
Obcasium’s Gauntlet: This is a fun, but not great thought. They have to deal with your Reanimates, so it should virtually always go off. Though it feel like two wounds on top of the 12+ damage they should be doing every turn seems minor.
Reaping Blade: I guess?
Fortuna’s Dice: I guess?
Bonus question: For Daqan, What is your Artifact Bearer wielding? For Uthuk and Latari, pretend you have a Legendary hero or some champion. What would you bring? Assume same cost and health as the others.