
By rickbm, in Your Settings

Hi all!

Inspired by the awesome Genesys system I decided to try and make a Naruto setting for it.

It's nowhere near finished but I was hoping I could get some feedback on some of the ideas I had so far. The thing I've been struggling with the most is how to feature all the crazy powers everyone has in the game while keeping it sort of balanced. I tried to keep it simple and to stay close to the rules and systems presented in the book.

Everything featured on the page is basicly concept and hasn't been playtested yet. Please let me know what you think.

Having looked at it, I do love the talents, and the ninjitsu and so on. If I ever run a campaign using it, will let you know.

This looks really promising! I'm still kinda figuring out the system, but it looks like a solid base. If I ever run a game I'll let you know if I add anything and how it works ^^ thank you for going through the trouble of doing this!

I really like this, but I can't find Overwhelm in your stuff or in the rulebook. Also are you still working on this, or are is this the finish product?

On 12/23/2019 at 8:34 PM, Zherneboh said:

I really like this, but I can't find Overwhelm in your stuff or in the rulebook. Also are you still working on this, or are is this the finish product?

I think it's an effect listed in the rules from the magic system. It's not finished and I have not worked on this in ages. So far I haven't even been able to try this since my players don't want to learn a new system.

I hope it can be of some use to you.

I'll let you know how it goes for my players. Still in the middle of a game set in WW2. Next up is a toss up between this or a Superhero setting.