Last night @Nagasadow and I concluded our Sloane v. Sloane game. This was the first time we had played these lists against one another, with each of us having another game of experience with them beforehand. I couldn’t find a standard battle report format, so hope this works for everyone; I’ll try to take screenshots in the future that are smaller in size so that they can accompany these.
Admiral Calkins
Faction: Imperial
Commander: Admiral Sloane
Assault: Most Wanted
Defense: Fighter Ambush
Navigation: Superior Positions
Imperial II (120)
• Admiral Sloane (24)
• Gunnery Team (7)
• Electronic Countermeasures (7)
• Leading Shots (4)
• Avenger (5)
= 167 Points
Quasar Fire I (54)
• Taskmaster Grint (5)
• Flight Controllers (6)
• Expanded Hangar Bay (5)
• Boosted Comms (4)
= 74 Points
Gozanti Cruisers (23)
= 23 Points
• Maarek Stele (21)
• Colonel Jendon (20)
• Dengar (20)
• Ciena Ree (17)
• Howlrunner (16)
• Mauler Mithel (15)
• Valen Rudor (13)
• Saber Squadron (12)
= 134 Points
Total Points: 398
Faction: Imperial
Commander: Admiral Sloane
Assault: Advanced Gunnery
Defense: Capture the VIP
Navigation: Superior Positions
Imperial I (110)
• Admiral Sloane (24)
• Strategic Adviser (4)
• Boarding Troopers (3)
• Phylon Q7 Tractor Beams (6)
• Leading Shots (4)
• Avenger (5)
= 156 Points
Interdictor Suppression Refit (90)
• Captain Brunson (5)
• Disposable Capacitors (3)
• G-8 Experimental Projector (8)
• Targeting Scrambler (5)
• Heavy Ion Emplacements (9)
• Interdictor (3)
= 123 Points
• Maarek Stele (21)
• Dengar (20)
• Soontir Fel (18)
• Ciena Ree (17)
• Howlrunner (16)
• Mauler Mithel (15)
• TIE Phantom Squadron (14)
= 121 Points
Total Points: 400
I elected to be second player and he chose my Most Wanted. I chose my Gozanti and his Interdictor as the objective ships. We both placed our ships in the center of our deployment zones, going left to right by the player’s view, all at Speed 2, except for the Gozanti and the ISD-II (Gozanti, Quasar, and ISD-II to Interdictor, ISD-I).
Screenshots at the end of Round 2 and Round 4 -
Round 1 (by activation): My Gozanti turned away from the center to the left and his ISD-I cranked up to speed 3 towards it. My ISD-II headed straight to try and flank the Interdictor, while his Interdictor veered right, alongside the ISD-I. My Quasar followed the ISD-II. His squadrons moved in a screen in front of the ISD-I and in between his two ships. My squadrons moved to screen my ships to their top left.
Round 2: His ISD-I activated with a squadron command and he used Maarek Stele, Soontir Fel, Ciena Ree, and the TIE Phantom to take out my Gozanti, my objective ship. I then activated my ISD-II to get a long-range shot at the Interdictor. His Interdictor activated with a squadron command and moved up Mauler Mithel to take out Saber Squadron and damage my counterball. His Interdictor landed on the debris field, stripping two shields from his ship. I then activated my Quasar and attacked and killed Mauler, Dengar, and Howlrunner. The squadrons also contributed to giving the Interdictor two damage cards.
Round 3: He activated his Interdictor first, taking away a damage card and replacing a shield, before attacking my Quasar and stripping away its front, left, and rear hull zone shields with Heavy Ion Emplacements and some extra damage. Unfortunately, he stayed on the debris field and two more shields of his were removed. I activated my Quasar and my squadrons took away all the shields from his Interdictor’s right hull zone while adding some damage cards (the damage would have been worse if it were not for Captain Brunson and Targeting Scramblers). He then used his G-8 to slow my Quasar to speed 1. His ISD-I activated and gave a damage card to the Quasar, ramming it for another one for both ships. My ISD-II activated and shot the front hull zone of the Interdictor, leading it to have seven damage cards at the end of the round. His squadrons moved up to engage the majority of my squadrons that were surrounding his Interdictor.
Round 4: He activated his Interdictor, taking away a damage card and replacing a shield, but was only able to add two more damage cards to the Quasar. I activated my Quasar and used Dengar to give heavy to all his squadrons before some of my other squadrons stripped the Brace and Redirect from the Interdictor before the super best friends took it down (his objective ship). I used the remainder of my squadron activations to take out Soontir and the TIE Phantom. His ISD-I in turn destroyed my Quasar, with his remaining squadrons killing Howlrunner.
It was at this time that we called the game. Besides an issue with the maneuver tool in TTS, our ISDs were not going to engage one another for the last two rounds and the squadron fight was not going to change the MOV.
Admiral Calkins 296 – Nagasadow 148 (8-3)
Lessons Learned
- Be wary of picking Most Wanted if you opponent has a cheap ship they can throw it on when you would be forced to put in on an expensive ship
- Always throw Howlrunner in first so that she can use her ability for follow-up attackers. Pretty sure I flew her in second after Mauler the entire game
- When using the Interdictor, learn and practice the timing of every ability on your ship. Since this was a friendly game there were no issues, but opponents may not be so kind in a tournament if you miss the timing of a specific upgrade (like using the Interdictor title). The same could be said as well if you as using Tractor Beams.
- Interdictors are a pain in the *** to take down. I'm very lucky that in the last round of tinkering, he took Engineering Team off of it. Not sure I could have ever brought it down if my Quasar had been destroyed at the top of Round 4.
Edit: Screenshot link added
Edited by Admiral Calkins