Mite vs Reward Deck?

By crimhead, in Cosmic Encounter

Mite forces players to discard down to three cards chosen at random.

With the edition of Reward Deck cards, it has become very inconvenient to select cards at random. I find myself more and more wishing the Reward deck had a regular back.

Are we intended to actually randomise this somehow, or we suppose to chose which backs are to be kept and randomise from there? If so, which player choses? There is a similar issue with compensation. I hope this will be addressed in a FAQ update.

Otherwise I'm absoluetly loving Cosmic Incursion, great job FFG - Thanks! I hope to see more expansions soon! happy.gif

Compensation is pseudo-random, since the player taking cards away knows whether it's a reward deck card or a normal card. Still, it's random in the sense that you're not looking at the faces and picking what you want. Same with Mutant or Wild Trader.

Mite's cutting down to size, however, should be purely random - no one's "selecting" cards to get tossed like you "select" compensation. Yeah, trying to do it purely randomly is difficult, but there's probably some way around it. Same with the Plague.

You can do it with dice, but playing cards work best. Say you have nine cards. Put them in a stack face down, in any order. Take nine playing cards, ace through nine and randomly draw three. These correspond to the cards you keep - ace being the top card, two the second from top, nine the bottom card, etc.

Plague is not random, I think.

Compensation should be semi-random, but that's not in the rules. The base rules say "chosen at random", while the expansion rules make no mention of the situation. I'm sure we'll get a FAQ entry for that sometime, though.


crimhead said:

Plague is not random, I think.

They might not intend it to be RANDOM-random, but I think it's too powerful/weak otherwise - if the Plague's user selects, they'll just pick all your Reward cards (since they're being discarded, Rifts won't blow up), and if the target selects them, you'll just pick your worst attack card and toss your Emotion Control in favour of Hand Zap.

Plague forces you to discard a card of each type - I think the plagued player can pick which ones. Otherwise you'd have to show your hand.

I agree that for compensation, etc... players are allowed to take the back of the card into consideration (I think that's the whole point of them being different)...

but in the case of something like MIte, I also agree you want it totally random. But it's quite simple really, all we do is shuffle without looking, then deal the appropriate # of cards off the top.