Quick one shot story idea

By bsmith23, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion RPG

Pc team has to hunt down a group of rebels gone rogue (not Rogue One), going beyond their mandates. What could they be accused of doing to cause them to be brought in?

Attacking civilian targets.

They've been framed for a terrorist attack on Chandrilla.

The homeworld of an important rebel leader it's important to find out what really happened as the Empire are using the event to restore the damage caused by Tarkin blowing up Alderaan.

Most of the team were killed by the traitor who is hunting the only survivor as they can identify them not because the Empire cares but the locals hunting them are more likely to listen given he shot up a few local LEOs as well as bars and businesses pursuing them that even the local bounty hunters are actually trying to protect the survivor.

The Empire is Holoviding this to the hilt your PCs just arrived and think it's too late but finding their targets base blown to bits they learn of the firefight heading towards an abandoned clonetrooper base which wouldn't mean anything to the locals and Empire because it's been turned into a shadow port.

Successful streetwise will realise they might be looking for a way off the planet.

Depending on their actions they might discover about the rebels killed in the bomb blast that's been blamed on the Alliance of course the Empire lied about it.

Can you rescue the fleeing rebel or will they believe the traitors lies?

So many options: assassinating Imperial officials without sanction, kidnapping-torturing-killing suspected but not confirmed collaborators, raids or bombings of Imperial targets with excessive collateral damage, leaking sensitive information to Imperial intelligence. You could put a clock on the hunt with the latter. What if they must be stopped before they hand the mcguffin secrets over to the empire. All might be sufficient to end up with a "rebel bounty" on their heads.

And twists: they were framed by an Imperial mole in the Alliance leadership who feared they were too close to uncovering their identity. Or, they learned something a corrupt senior rebel officer didn't want them to know. Using rebel resources to conduct hijackings / piracy raides, a liaison with a senior imperial figure, or their own off-book extremist actions (like the aforementioned unsanctioned kill list).

And moral quandaries: mayhaps the Rebel leadership itself wants this team dead as a part of a cover up. For instance, mayhaps on occassion,the rebel leadership does something they ordinarily denounce and classify as extremist and this was the team they used for those operations. Only the last job they carried out went sideways and could potentially implicate the leadership and sow dissention in the ranks. Branding them traitors and hunting them down throws suspicion somewhere else. Or, maybe it was one dirty job over the line and they threatened to blow the lid off the thing. They must be silenced!

Edited by Vondy

Deliberately attacking civilians targets.

Going straight past the Partisans and doing Dreamer level attacks with civilian casualties that go beyond standard asymmetrical warfare "we did what we had to do" insurgencies and going full blown terrorist.

Maybe even knowingly killing civilians and framing it as Imperial retaliation/ an Imperial atrocity in the hopes of getting more recruits.

A good template (if you have it) can be found in the Diplomat sourcebook, where the Iridonian Resistance plans on leaving the Alliance over tactical disagreements, and poisoning a shipment of food and blaming it on the Empire.

A particularly ruthless cell might try and start up a bioweapons program, maybe Blue Shadow Virus level of destructiveness.

Anything that breaks the Alliance's "collateral damage" rules would work.

Edited by Dayham

So here's what I'm thinking. They have a laundry list of infractions. Alliance gets word that they are going after a MAJOR Imperial target. The Rebellion is not in a position to deal with the fallout of a successful attack just yet, so they need to be stopped. I'm going to have the action take place at the assassination attempt.

My next step is to build this team of NPCs. Not a problem there, could probably even convert the Beginner Box characters. What I'm wondering is how to handle any combat with the team. I could even see a 3 way battle happening. Mass combat? I think I'd like something more intimate. Or, what if the PCs decide to go along with them and full combat breaks out? Just trying to brainstorm the mechanics of the encounter.

So many good ideas! Here's two more...

1) What if the Rebels in question hired themselves out to a criminal syndicate to make some cash on the side...

2) Or, for some reason the movie Three Kings comes to mind where the rebels that fled are after treasure. Perhaps they led a mutiny on a rebellion ship and have redirected the ship to find treasure (the fate of the non-mutineers could also be interesting and perhaps further motivation for the alliance- ie. they killed the captain).

They've learned about a surviving Separatist cell, but in the process of trying to contact them draws the Empire's attention who taking no chances bdz the planet leaving it in ruins similar to Taris. ?

Officially the Rebel Alliance is blamed and whoever investigates has to break through an Imperial blockade to find out the truth then break back out just to survive long enough to reveal the truth...

On 6/10/2018 at 7:44 PM, bsmith23 said:

So here's what I'm thinking. They have a laundry list of infractions. Alliance gets word that they are going after a MAJOR Imperial target. The Rebellion is not in a position to deal with the fallout of a successful attack just yet, so they need to be stopped. I'm going to have the action take place at the assassination attempt.

My next step is to build this team of NPCs. Not a problem there, could probably even convert the Beginner Box characters. What I'm wondering is how to handle any combat with the team. I could even see a 3 way battle happening. Mass combat? I think I'd like something more intimate. Or, what if the PCs decide to go along with them and full combat breaks out? Just trying to brainstorm the mechanics of the encounter.

I'll probably go with this, and it will most likely be a one shot convention game. Could anyone write this up crawl style? I'm not much of a writer. And my PCS are going to be the Ghost crew.

Thanks for all the ideas, I'm sure I'll use them at some point too.