First store monthly

By emsgoof, in X-Wing Battle Reports

While I play Armada regularly, I haven’t really played X-Wing since Armada came out.

Today, I decided to go to a store monthly tournament to get out of the house, and took a triple T70 list with me.

Poe (PS9), Snap, Jess.

First round was against Shara, Nora, Fenn Rau. I lost 100-0...

Second Round was against Ryad, Omega Leader, QuickDraw. I lost 100-0.

Third round will be posted shortly.

Third round is against 4 Bandit Squadron and Chewbacca. Who knows, I may actually destroy an enemy ship!

I destroyed 4 Z95s before I lost my 3 ships!

Great that you’ve gone to the effort of putting up some X-Wing results.

Maybe a few suggestions.

Your full list. All equipment.

Same for opponents list. All equipment.

Any particular goofy or amazing things happen in each game.

Dont want to come across as that “guy” but just saying you got beat in 3 games isn’t worth a read.