2 minutes ago, Kalrhin said:Do you have any numbers to back up that Destiny has crashed really hard? Or that FFG had no money? or that Netrunner was dying?
I only have anecdotal information, but like many others have told you in this thread, Netrunner was thriving and had a more active meta than in previous years. I see SW Destiny being sold everywhere (not only at boardgame stores). This is for me a sign that the game is doing incredibly well. The only one I am sure of is that FFG had no lack of funds. One of the things that Asmodee and its purchase brought was financial stability (big risks like purchasing the dice factory can are much smaller with the support of a larger company behind you).
Companies are always worried about their quarterly reports no matter how much money they have and FFG still has their own quarteries being it's own studio. So yeah, money is always an issue no matter how much is in the bank. By lack of cash I mean, how much did they make the past quarter/year and how much did they spend. The difference is the cash supply. Rolling out Runewars, Legion and Destiny is a lot of cash to burn through, legion just came out, Runewars did not much and Destiny is a problem.
Destiny went from a large number of users on the forums here to almost as few posts now as there are on these boards. At first getting boxes for Destiny was hard since they were all sold out and now they are selling just above wholesale and no shortage at all. Singles of the top cards were sold out for a good while, now there is a good supply of them and prices have drop. This indicates people are doing more selling of cards than buying. There use to be a lot of videos about Destiny on youtube, now they are few. So yeah, it has died out a lot. BTW, when you say Destiny is being sold everywhere, not just board game stores, well they don't pay for shelf space at those board game stores, they do pay for it at places like target. It isn't cheap for FFG to sell it "everywhere". This is how a very popular game like X-wing gets the $15 discount cores at target on closeout.
Netrunner has huge at one point, until it became notrunner and struggled for a few years. The game lost a lot of it's player base by all accounts over the years. Yes the revised core helped and there are a lot of people saying Netrunner made a come back. What we don't know is when that decision was made. R&R having the Omega symbol at least suggests they knew this for quite some time. That was reviled back in early March and with the typesetting we are looking at the beginning of this year at least. Wouldn't surprise me they had to make the renewal at the one year left mark back in Oct. If so, all they would have to go on is presales and you are right, it is Asmodee not FFG that would make the call on renewal. Clearly the people at FFG wanted Netrunner to go on. Asmodee could have easily said enough with the bleeding of the cash. Rich people generally don't throw money away and are very careful with how they spend it. It is broke people who spend every dime they have and every dime they don't have. Financial stability often just means financial discipline.
Anyways I like the Android IP and interested in seeing what, if any, LCG they do next with it. Boggs is a competent designer that could do good things in this space. Hopefully FFG has learned from their mistakes and makes these LCGs easier to get into.