It sounds logical, doesn't it? Begin by the beginning, finish at the end... I planned delving on the novella at home, but I was tempted to check the color pages at the end, a bunch of fluff about the Kaito family (lore, tradition, etc). Most of it is inocuous, but the very last article, gives huge spoilers about the plot of the novella itself. In short, if you want to enjoy the twists, don't be like me... don't start at the end.
NOVELLA WARNING: Do NOT read the lore part at the end before the story
Silly question:
since the cheaper digital version of the novella did not contain the lore addendum, is itmpossible to find somewhere online?
i'd like to know more about our new pseudo-onmyoji family
2 minutes ago, mirrorcat said:Silly question:
since the cheaper digital version of the novella did not contain the lore addendum, is itmpossible to find somewhere online?
i'd like to know more about our new pseudo-onmyoji family
I'm sure we'll see something when the Roleplaying product starts to come out. honestly all that's really there is a summation of the background that we get provided from the novel and little tidbits of everyday life for the Kaito family.
I'm really sad that section's not in the digital version. I mean I have a hard copy so I got to read it, but it's such a neat section.
Hmm. With it not being a free fiction, I'm not sure how FFG would feel about posting it in full online. maybe I can at least ask permission to make a pdf of the fluff info to share or something. Could also write up a summary of it, though that wouldn't be quite the same.
As an aside, I'd really love to see an official image for the Kaito family mon.
6 hours ago, Kaito Kikaze said:Hmm. With it not being a free fiction, I'm not sure how FFG would feel about posting it in full online. maybe I can at least ask permission to make a pdf of the fluff info to share or something. Could also write up a summary of it, though that wouldn't be quite the same.
As an aside, I'd really love to see an official image for the Kaito family mon.
My guess is that it may be reintroduced and expanded later down the line either as part of an RPG expansion or new character showcasing them as special class.
Afterall they seem to be popular and i bet there is going to be some request to add Kotori signature broom as item for exorcism rituals
They became my favorite Phoenix family in just a single story. Not that that was super difficult... But yeah, they'll see use in my game as NPC before whatever supplement they're in.