Missing oportunity?

By ringofox, in Heroes of Terrinoth

Hi there!

Ok, is not my intention to criticise this, i love WQTCG, and of course im happy of this anouncement! But also i think... Terrinoth is not my favourite theme, and also, i saw in this a missed oportunity to make something with this mechanics MUCH BETTER THAN THIS. Some idea? yes: Infiltration/slash/dungeoncrawl with Star Wars Rebels for example. The exchange of aesthetics and IP for this game would make a much different feeling with the cool mechanics. We can have the same "classes" but adapted to the SW universe, etc...

That would be much better, IMO

Just my two cents.

it wouldn't be better just different and don't give them bad ideas... there are already too many games in the SW universe (yeah i don't like SW). I'm pretty happy they did it with their own IP.

Edited by Cyiel

Thats why i said: SW Rebels. Its the SW universe, but with his own feeling...

Too many Star Wars already, IMHO.

Don't get me wrong. I do like Star Wars a lot, but I am glad that Terrinoth is the IP for this reimplementation of WHQ:ACG.

1 minute ago, windforce10 said:

Too many Star Wars already, IMHO.

Don't get me wrong. I do like Star Wars a lot, but I am glad that Terrinoth is the IP for this reimplementation of WHQ:ACG.

I just see this TOO MUCH similar to WHQTCG, thats why i would prefer a different setting (and terrinoth is not interesting to me)

16 minutes ago, ringofox said:

I just see this TOO MUCH similar to WHQTCG, thats why i would prefer a different setting (and terrinoth is not interesting to me)

Fair enough.

Because it's far more easy to apply the WHQTCG system to another fantasy universe. And FFG does it right, they can't put all their eggs (games) in one basket (IP) because if one day Disney choose to put an end to their agreement with FFG it would be another game that will disappear. (Yeah it is unlikely to happen but who knows)

Edited by Cyiel

I prefer Terrinoth to Warhammer. The only IP I like more than Terrinoth is Star Wars, but I feel oversaturated by Star Wars at the moment. I do agree that a cooperative Star Wars adventure game is missing (I don't count the Imperial Assault app). If they released ANOTHER version of this game and it was Star Wars, I would probably buy both that and the Terrinoth version because theme means so much to me as a gamer.

But I'm quite pleased with the Terrinoth theme because I've been hoping for it ever since Warhammer Quest: The Adventure Card Game was announced.

IIRC, FFG has limited licensing with The Mouse, mostly for miniatures, and anything else has to be sub-licensed through Hasbro.

Also, the Terrinoth setting is getting a fair amount of depth with their recent releases. I don’t think this game is going to add much to the depth, but there is more to the setting than a casual glance would show.

And finally, FFG had enough problems when the Games Workshop license ended. Let’s not risk having this fine game shut down prematurely again over more licensing issues.

Very excited for this release as is and happy to have it in Terrinoth. Although I also find the Android universe very interesting, and would have been pretty excited to see something in that realm.

I think Star Wars would work against FFG in the same way as the Games Workshop deal fell apart. Using their own IP in Terrinoth allows them complete ownership of the game and freedom to do as they please. Plus, coming from a Star Wars fan, enough Star Wars games already...

Terrinoth is the most boring fill-in-the-blanks fantasy setting ever, but I can see what they would be reticent to rescue a game from a bad license and then immediately attach it to another license.

funny, i think this is well grabbed opportunity

I would love a new co-op Star Wars LCG but the interesting point has been made already that people really enjoy being able to play as the Empire and Scum in the SW games, how do you introduce that into a co-op LCG without making it a versus game?

On 6/8/2018 at 4:58 AM, ringofox said:

Hi there!

Ok, is not my intention to criticise this, i love WQTCG, and of course im happy of this anouncement! But also i think... Terrinoth is not my favourite theme, and also, i saw in this a missed oportunity to make something with this mechanics MUCH BETTER THAN THIS. Some idea? yes: Infiltration/slash/dungeoncrawl with Star Wars Rebels for example. The exchange of aesthetics and IP for this game would make a much different feeling with the cool mechanics. We can have the same "classes" but adapted to the SW universe, etc...

That would be much better, IMO

Just my two cents.

You open a space door and find a storm trooper,then walk down the space stairs and find a bunch of storm troopers,then comes a the space corridor filled with stormtroopers and stormtroopers with a shoulder pad and after that you fight vader.

I love star wars,but i dont find it a funny theme for this kind of games. In imperial assault you finish 3 quest and all you saw was storm troopers,its too boring imo.

Zombies,goblins,elementals,bandits,etc. Terrinoth provides more variety.

I am in the camp that thinks fantasy suits this style of game a bit better, especially as running across mixed groups of enemies in a dungeon is a normal thing. If they put it in Star Wars, it's easy for the feel to be off. So you enter a room and find the following enemies: Stormtroopers, sandpeople, and the boss, a rancor. All of which solely focus on attacking you, no in-fighting. Compare that to zombies, goblins, and an ogre, which is something I'd expect to encounter in a fantasy dungeon.

Also, I'm not sure how well some of the mechanics would work to represent people primarily fighting with guns. The rules feel more like melee combat.

On 6/9/2018 at 3:02 PM, BoardRadio said:

You open a space door and find a storm trooper,then walk down the space stairs and find a bunch of storm troopers,then comes a the space corridor filled with stormtroopers and stormtroopers with a shoulder pad and after that you fight vader.

I love star wars,but i dont find it a funny theme for this kind of games. In imperial assault you finish 3 quest and all you saw was storm troopers,its too boring imo.

Zombies,goblins,elementals,bandits,etc. Terrinoth provides more variety.

Well I think you either like Star Wars or you don't, but if you played 3 missions of Imperial Assault and all you fought was Storm Troopers then you or the Imp player did something very, very wrong :D Before you even start getting into the different TYPES of Storm Troopers (5 btw), there are over 25 different types of generic, non storm trooper, enemies you can face, not including the unique characters, which brings that total closer to 45. And that is not including the allies (15+), which also play a big role in your campaign story line. So ya.. if all you dealt with was Storm Troopers, something was done wrong :) IF we are comparing IA to Descent, I think Descent might have close to 50 different enemies you could face? Seems pretty close to me. IA actually has more potential figures/units showing up if you include allies.

But if you don't care about the Star Wars characters, then ya that IP is not for you for sure. Because if you are just taking it as a shootey sci fi line, then it does fall short in a lot of areas. However if you enjoy Star Wars and are like holy crap I'm fighting Vader right now, then there is added weight.

I struggle with how Terrinoth handles magic, I have never liked their system. Whether it is offensive, defensive or restorative. That is one of the main things that turned me off of Descent.

Terrinoth is a nice fantasy setting, and I like it better than WH fantasy because WH is too dark for my tastes.

Also, I think after being burned by GW and then WotC we are going to see FFG being VERY cautious about licensing game systems or settings in the future. I suspect this is one reason that they outright bought the rights to L5R instead of a licensing arrangement. I'm guessing the next thing we will see is them outright buying the rights to some other setting and starting to develop games within it.

6 hours ago, Joelist said:

Terrinoth is a nice fantasy setting, and I like it better than WH fantasy because WH is too dark for my tastes.

Also, I think after being burned by GW and then WotC we are going to see FFG being VERY cautious about licensing game systems or settings in the future. I suspect this is one reason that they outright bought the rights to L5R instead of a licensing arrangement. I'm guessing the next thing we will see is them outright buying the rights to some other setting and starting to develop games within it.

Yup, you make me think... SW license aventually gonna end someday... but terrinoth is from FFG... so that can "assure us" more game, in more time.

Anyway, anwering to someone who saids "fantasy settings are better for this mechanics"... Not at all!! why? au contraire, this system mechanics needs new approaches, new settings... Infiltration and crawler fits perfect with any SW... anyway! i really love WHQTCG, perfect mix of Death Angel and LOTR... and even better, it is NOT an LCG!!

Still WH the best fantasy IP ever! IMO

5 hours ago, ringofox said:

Anyway, anwering to someone who saids "fantasy settings are better for this mechanics"... Not at all!! why? au contraire, this system mechanics needs new approaches, new settings... Infiltration and crawler fits perfect with any SW... anyway! i really love WHQTCG, perfect mix of Death Angel and LOTR... and even better, it is NOT an LCG!!

Infiltration and crawler fits fine (which is why the reskin of CAI vs KGB is a lot of fun), but the "engaged" mechanic suits melee combat better than ranged combat in my mind. Especially with the way that ranged combat was represented in WHQTCG. Plus, for SW the breadth of enemies that can make each draw tense would probably be toned down. Infiltrating an imperial base and..... Sandpeople and a Rancor? IA's constant use of Stormtroopers is fitting, but having one enemy type be the majority of the deck would be less interesting.

It would work, it just would require more manipulation than porting to another fantasy setting. A giant spider is still a giant spider, a dire wolf is still a dire wolf, and a zombie is still a zombie.

Edit: Not to mention the approval process FFG would have to go through for the core game, and any expansions to ensure the "feel" of SW is consistent. I'd much rather they kept it in house so we can quickly get more expansions.

Edited by Caimheul1313

Not missing an opportunity at all just different audiences. I am hype as he'll for this since Terrinoth is my favorite game universe. This is a day 1 for me. If it was SW I wouldn't touch it.

Edited by thinkzinc
On 6/10/2018 at 8:38 PM, FrogTrigger said:

Well I think you either like Star Wars or you don't, but if you played 3 missions of Imperial Assault and all you fought was Storm Troopers then you or the Imp player did something very, very wrong :D Before you even start getting into the different TYPES of Storm Troopers (5 btw), there are over 25 different types of generic, non storm trooper, enemies you can face, not including the unique characters, which brings that total closer to 45. And that is not including the allies (15+), which also play a big role in your campaign story line. So ya.. if all you dealt with was Storm Troopers, something was done wrong :) IF we are comparing IA to Descent, I think Descent might have close to 50 different enemies you could face? Seems pretty close to me. IA actually has more potential figures/units showing up if you include allies.

But if you don't care about the Star Wars characters, then ya that IP is not for you for sure. Because if you are just taking it as a shootey sci fi line, then it does fall short in a lot of areas. However if you enjoy Star Wars and are like holy crap I'm fighting Vader right now, then there is added weight.

I struggle with how Terrinoth handles magic, I have never liked their system. Whether it is offensive, defensive or restorative. That is one of the main things that turned me off of Descent.

Yeah, there is a bunch of iconic characters,but just way too many storm troopers (that includes snow troopers,elite storm troopers,etc),i find them boring. Its awesome to fight vader,or the rancor(A rancor?The Rancor?Is it a character or a race?) but you spend most of the time killing dudes with guns.But its just my opinion mang.

Whats wrong with the magic? Are you talking about the stamina sistem or the lore of magic?

Rancor is a species of giant creatures (not that it matters really).

The other issue is "I killed Vader!" is one of those things that Disney might frown upon being a core component of a board game. Yes, "just consider it defeated," but he's supposed to be a killing machine, a mythical enemy, unstoppable. That's why Luke surviving a one on one encounter is supposed to be a big deal. But I digress a bit.

Theagic in this game is likely handed either the exact same or very similar to how WHQTCG handled it: pick one of four actions, some are fluffed as spells, but don't behave significantly different than any other character's skills.

Edited by Caimheul1313

I think a Android-Netrunner theme would have been amazing for this game (considering it's an FFG licence): replace the explore name with hack, mix in physical threats with digital threats, and maybe design missions and location progress with some cool mechanics à la Arkham Horror.

Or maybe it's just the Cyberpunk 2077 trailer that struck a cord with me! ;-)

21 minutes ago, Railarian said:

I think a Android-Netrunner theme would have been amazing for this game (considering it's an FFG licence): replace the explore name with hack, mix in physical threats with digital threats, and maybe design missions and location progress with some cool mechanics à la Arkham Horror.

Or maybe it's just the Cyberpunk 2077 trailer that struck a cord with me! ?

Android is FFG, Netrunner is owned by Wizards of the Coast. FFG might not have been allowed to produce another card game in Android (as it might compete with Netrunner) depending on the nature of the agreement with Wizards. Even with the contract ending, if such a clause existed, FFG probably wouldn't have been allowed to develop the game.

As it is, the port to another fantasy setting was likely much quicker, especially as it probably allowed for reuse of pre-existing enemy cards just with new art.

On 6/11/2018 at 4:26 AM, Joelist said:

Terrinoth is a nice fantasy setting, and I like it better than WH fantasy because WH is too dark for my tastes.

Also, I think after being burned by GW and then WotC we are going to see FFG being VERY cautious about licensing game systems or settings in the future. I suspect this is one reason that they outright bought the rights to L5R instead of a licensing arrangement. I'm guessing the next thing we will see is them outright buying the rights to some other setting and starting to develop games within it.

I agree with the rest, but buying another setting? Which?! Why?!!

They already have several severely underused settings (Twilight Imperium, Tannhäuser, Sovereigns of Steam, and Legend of the Burning Sands - not to mention their old d20 D&D OGL RPG settings) which together with the ones they're actually using (Terrinoth, Arkham Horror, Android, and Legend of the Five Rings) cover pretty much every popular flavor of fiction other than superheroes, urban fantasy, and Japanese style mechs, all of which theoretically easily united in a single standard superhero setting. But they couldn't buy Marvel or DC for obvious reasons and shouldn't buy Champions or M&M for different ones, which only leaves really obscure stuff likely not worth spending any money for instead of just launching your own IP. Other than Genesys sourcebooks (and modules etc.) for most of the above, they especially should increase Twilight Imperium's public profile to prepare to cushion an ever possible falling-out with the Mouse Empire, for example by reimplementing Forbidden Stars and releasing a new, non-blind edition of Twilight Imperium: Armada (obviously renamed - preferably simply to Twilight Imperium: Diskwars).