A Game of Thrones: The Card Game Official Rulings

By OfficialRules, in Rules Questions

This thread will be updated periodically with answers to rules questions that the A Game of Thrones: The Card Game developers receive via our Rules Submission Form . If you have a question that you believe isn’t answered with our current documents, please check the following list before submitting your question:

  • The question is not answered in the game rules, FAQ, or another existing rules document.
  • The question is not answered in the thread on this page.
  • Your question is not a tournament procedure or event-related question. (Those can be sent to OrganizedPlay@FantasyFlightGames.com .)
  • You wrote a rules question (not a request, statement, etc.).

This thread is an official source for game rulings, in addition to all documents on our website.

A Game of Thrones: The Card Game Rules Reference

A Game of Thrones: The Card Game FAQ

Question: Can I run Alliance and two copies of Trading with Qohor as my agendas?

Answer: No. A player can only run 1 copy of each agenda, even in cases (such as Alliance) where they are allowed to run multiple agendas.

Question: What happens in Joust if I control Tycho Nestoris when my opponent runs out of cards in his deck (and is thereby eliminated from the game)? What happens if a tournament game goes to time with one player having 15 power and controlling Tycho? What happens if a player controls Tycho at the end of a Melee game?

Answer: If a player controls Tycho Nestoris and his “You cannot win the game” ability is active, nothing within the game rules can cause that player to win the game. If all of that player’s opponents are eliminated, the game ends with no winner. (In a tournament, this is recorded as a loss for each player.)
If a tournament game goes to time with a player controlling Tycho at 15 power, that player’s opponent receives a modified win, as that opponent is considered to be closer to their victory condition. If a tournament game goes to time with both players controlling Tycho, both players receive a loss.
If a player controls Tycho at the end of a Melee game, the best placement that player can achieve is 2nd place. If a tournament Melee game goes to time and a player controlling Tycho has the highest power total, the player with the next-highest power total is the winner of the game.
Tycho does not prevent a player from winning if that player’s opponent concedes the game.

Question : What happens if I put Esgred ( Tyrion's Chain, 111 ) into play using Planky Town Trader's ( Favor of the Old Gods, 75) ability, while I also control a copy of Asha Greyjoy?

Answer: Because of Planky Town Trader’s effect, Esgred cannot leave play and therefore is not sacrificed to her own constant ability—both Esgred and Asha remain in play. Asha will not gain any power; she only gains power from Esgred’s ability if Esgred is actually sacrificed (this will be clarified in an upcoming FAQ update). When Planky Town Trader’s “until the end of the phase” effect expires, if you still control both Esgred and Asha, Esgred’s constant ability will immediately cause her to be sacrificed and Asha to gain 1 power.