Predictions: What will the new Terrinoth game be?

By Frog, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

So we know that a new Runebound expansion will be shown in April. (They messed up and had it right on the schedule and later took it off the .pdf)

But what will the "new game set in the Runebound Universe" be?

By guess is either...

1. RPG (Hopefully using Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay style dice pool that FFG created)

2. LCG (I hope not. But I can totally see them doing that)

3. Maybe a novel.

I do not think it will be a Descent expansion or Rune Wars expansion because of the way it was worded on the original promo materials. It sounded like a brand new game set in Terrinoth.

But yes there will be new Rune Wars and Descent scenarious debuted at the event.

From what I've seen of the new Warhammer RPG, I'd love to see those rules used for an RPG in Terrinoth.

Won't this new product be the one they let slip in the catalogue? I.e. the new Runebound expansion?


Runebound is not a new game though. There are 2 sneak peaks scheduled at the event.

One will be a new game set in Terrinoth. The other will be the new Runebound expansion.

Hm, you think it's going to be a brand new type of game, not just another expansion (which is effectively a "new" game)? *shrug* no idea then.


I really don't know anymore. It may just be the Runebound expansion.

Let's hope for Descent 2.0?

I would be totally stunned if it is anything other than a Runewars expansion. That game is begging for one from what I hear, and Descent and Runebound both have a large number of expansion packs already. Runewars is the shiny new kid on the block and I'm sure they'll be putting most of their attention toward that. A totally new game is a very slim possibility, but I guess it could happen. I would be totally shocked if it wasn't a Runewars expansion though.

Fizz said:

Let's hope for Descent 2.0?

Let me guess...with real exploading skeletons?

At the Terrinoth event, they revealed the new game to be something they call "DungeonQuest", which is actually a remake of a game by the same name that came out some 25-ish years ago, re-tooled for the Terrinoth universe. It will feature a brand new combat system (they would not go into detail on this), never before seen Heroes of the Terrinoth world, and can be played by 1-4 players. They also stated they are hoping for a "late-summer" release.

Oh, that's a GamesWorkshop game. I picked it up off of eBay a while back, but rarely played it. Basically each "hero" was going through the dungeon trying to get the most loot. Wonder what the retooling will be like.

Here's the BGG entry:


They also revealed a new board-expansion Runebound expansion!!!

Dungeonquest is great news. Like Runebound, it is soloable. And I like the Terrinoth theme so I am totally cool with them using that for the game.

Awesome news!!!

Cyan_of_Doma said:

At the Terrinoth event, they revealed the new game to be something they call "DungeonQuest", which is actually a remake of a game by the same name that came out some 25-ish years ago, re-tooled for the Terrinoth universe. It will feature a brand new combat system (they would not go into detail on this), never before seen Heroes of the Terrinoth world, and can be played by 1-4 players. They also stated they are hoping for a "late-summer" release.

A new combat system? I LOVED the old "Mightly Blow/Slash/Escape" rock-paper-sissors mechanicts of the original!

:-) gui%C3%B1o.gif

I know from my spies at The Gathering that Kevin is definitley working on something cool that I will "really love", but that was it. My spies have failed me for the first time for the last time!

I did stumble across this:


Very interested in seeing FFG's take on this game...
