I am hosting a small (6 player) tournament Saturday. I want to get thru as many games as possible but also don't want to rush everyone... What time limit should I put on the games? I was thinking 55 min each with five minutes to switch tables and whatever in between games, but is that too short? I am also thinking of using two or three minute timers to keep everyone's turns moving along, moving along...
Optimal time for a skirmish game.
The issue is not set up, it's last round. Encourage players to wrap it up when there is 10-15 minutes left. The worst is when players want to squeeze in another round and it goes well over time. Otherwise, I would suggest ask players to set up maps and when they're all set up, give them 60 minutes including deployment. It's a lot closer to the official 65 minutes that way (which is supposed to include set up).
Thanks! That's helpful. We'll be using printed up maps the first three rounds so set up will be very fast (deployment maybe a little slower). The finals will be a random skirmish map with tiles. I think we'll aim for 60min then or max 65.
All six of us have some fun looking lists so I'm pretty excited... Alas, there is no store where we live so no official prizes to give out... I'll have to think of some other prizes...
You could set a maxof 10 minuttes for the round after time is called, it works, and if those 10 minuttes ends, you score the games as is, no end of round scoring
The official tourney rules specify a time limit is 65 minute games and that rounds started after time is called are to be completed. My 3-game events typically last a little over 4 hours, as it usually takes 10 minutes for startup, at least 10 minutes between rounds (bathroom breaks, grabbing drinks, etc.) and 5 minutes at the end to give out prizes.
Have a great time at your event!
Thanks cnemmick. Had a great little mini tournament on Saturday. We started with a 60 min time limit but after the first round we all needed the last five minutes so made it the full 65mins. I think the first round no one got to 40 points but as we played more we got faster and round 2 and 3 had a few games that finished before 60mins. We then had a dinner break and then had the final between the top two (me and a friend) while those who didn't make it just kept playing for fun. We randomly picked a map neither of us had played before from Hera/Chopper pack. It was the one where you keep flipping tokens and putting strain on the colored tokens and whoever can control those tokens gets 2pts for each strain on them at the end of the round. GREAT MAP! I loved it. Pretty big with lots of long corridors and nice incentive to keep your figures moving around. I had a Merc list with IG (FotK), Onar, eWeeqs, Greedo and an eJawa with chopper, r2 and 3po. I had practiced a fair bit with the same list but with Boba Fett (using Change of Plans to good advantage to get more out of Iggy) but changed his 13 points for Onar and the Weeqs last minute because he is just SO expensive. My friend had an interesting imperial list with Emperor, ATDP, eRiots, eJets, heavy troopers and an officer and Zillo. At the very end he was coming back. It was 37 (me) to 34 I think and he would have been able to take out my last eWeeq (with only 1 health left) and also pick up some tokens for at least 6 more points... All I had left was said eWeeq, Greedo, 3po and R2. Luckily I had focused R2 the round before (I think he was my last activation) and moved him to finish off an eRiot or an eJet ( I forget) with his green and yellow attack... hung on and won 41 to 34. R2 was the hero of the day (he also almost knocked off the ATDP earlier after Iggy had whittled it down a fair bit.
Anyway, the time limits were good. We'll do another mini tournament like it again sometime... Had some really fun lists to play against and a great bunch of opponents!
The other four lists were:
Iggy, Onar, Jabba, HKs and an ugnaught I think
Jedi Luke, Lando, eRangers, Gideon and some Sabs?
2x eSabs, 2x r Sabs and Zeb, Jarrod and JAX,
and my fav list of the day:
Ahsoka, Zeb, Jarrod, Gideon, Hera, 3po and Chopper (and JAX).
We used a few proxies... Zeb is a beast.