Star Wars: Destiny Official Rulings

By OfficialRules, in Star Wars: Destiny

This thread will be updated periodically with answers to rules questions that the Star Wars ™: Destiny developers receive via our Rules Submission Form . If you have a question that you believe isn’t answered with our current documents, please check the following list before submitting your question:

  • The question is not answered in the game rules, FAQ, or another existing rules document.
  • The question is not answered in the thread on this page.
  • Your question is not a tournament procedure or event-related question. (Those can be sent to .)
  • You wrote a rules question (not a request, statement, etc.).

This thread is an official source for game rulings, in addition to all documents on our website.

Star Wars: Destiny Rules Reference

Question: Can a power action be used to no effect? If so, does it count as a pass?

Answer: Yes. A power action can be used to no effect. No. This does not count as a pass since using a power action is considered to have changed the game state (that power action can no longer be used for the round). For example, a player can use the power action on Slave I ( Spirit of Rebellion , 22) even if they have no Yellow dice in their pool. This does not count as a pass since using the power action is a change in game state.

Question: I activate a Clone Trooper ( Legacies , 38) with a Training ( Spirit of Rebellion , 125) on it. Can I reroll both of its dice?

Answer: No. You can only reroll one Clone Trooper die of your choice. “This die” always refers to a single die, not multiple dice.

The following bullet point should be added under "Point Value(s)” on page 6 in the Rules Reference:

  • This point value cannot be changed during gameplay. If a character becomes elite, its point value does not change.

The following bullet point should be added under "Character, Plots, & Played Cards” on page 10 in the Rules Reference:

  • If a card leaves play and re-enters play, it is considered a new instance of the card and there is no memory of having used its abilities.

The "Play a Card" entry on page 14 in the Rules Reference should read:
Whenever a player wishes to play a card, that player follows these steps, in order:

  1. Declare intent by showing the card and adding it to the queue.
  2. Check play restrictions. If the play restrictions cannot be met, the action is illegal.
  3. Choose target(s), if applicable. All upgrades require a target. If there are no eligible targets, the action is illegal.
  4. Determine the cost (or costs, if multiple costs are required). If the cost(s) cannot be paid (taking all modifiers into account), the action is illegal.
  5. Apply modifiers to the cost(s). Replacing an upgrade and “before you play” abilities may be triggered at this time.
  6. Pay the cost(s).
  7. If the card is next in line in the queue, resolve its effects. After the card resolves, it is either discarded (events) or put into play (non-events).

The following section should be included on page 14 in the Rules Reference:

Illegal Actions
If a player takes an illegal action or attempts to take an action that cannot be completed, the entire action is reversed. No abilities trigger and no effects resolve as a result of a reversed action. Then that player takes an action or passes. Actions that shuffle a deck, reveal cards from a deck, or move cards to or from a deck cannot be reversed.

The "Claim the Battlefield" entry on page 14 in the Rules Reference should read:
When a player claims the battlefield, if they do not control it, they take control of it and move the battlefield card to their in-play area. Then that player may use its “Claim” ability.

Clandestine Operation Clarification

A player can resolve their dice showing the same symbol, even if those dice were not showing that symbol when this card began to resolve.

DJ Clarification

This ability deals indirect damage to an opponent equal to the number of that opponent’s dice you just removed. This damage is dealt as one source.
This ability only triggers when you remove one or more dice, not when dice are removed by an opponent or by the game. If a card leaves play, the game removes its matching dice, not a player.

Home Turf Advantage Clarification

Any battlefield brought to the game and set aside can be chosen by cards like Hyperspace Jump and New Orders.

Plo Koon Clarification

Plo Koon can have multiple instances of the same non-keyword ability.

Rex's Blaster Pistol Clarification

If this card is on Rex, you can play a second copy of it on another one of your characters. However, if this card is on one of your characters not titled Rex, you cannot play a second copy of if.

Snoke Clarification

A character that is defeated by taking 1 damage from this power action cannot resolve its die since its dice are set aside before this power action resolves.

The following keyword should be included on page 18 of the Rules Reference:


Some upgrades have the keyword "Modify" and the subtype " mod " When playing a card with Modify, a player must choose an eligible target under their control. What target a mod can be played on is defined by its Modify keyword. A mod that has "Modify vehicle support" can only be played on a vehicle support; it cannot be played on a vehicle upgrade.

Modify is not a play restriction.

A card cannot have more than 3 upgrades.

The following section should be included on page 15 of the Rules Reference:


When a card becomes a new card type, it is no longer its previous type, all tokens on it are removed, and all upgrades on it are discarded. The card remains exhausted or ready and all of its dice are returned to its card. If a character becomes a new card type, it no longer has health or point values.

This post has been reimplemented through then posts below.

Qui-Gon Jinn's Lightsaber Clarification:

This card should read: "After 1 or more shields are removed from attached character, you may exhaust this upgrade to give that character 1 shield. Then , if this upgrade is on Qui-Gon Jinn, you may draw a card."

Stifle Clarification:

This ability is not optional.

The following bullet point should be added to "Then" Effects on page 19 of the Rules Reference:

If the part of the ability that precedes the word "then" is an optional "may" effect, you must have chosen to resolve that effect and successfully resolved it in full for the part of the ability that follows the word "then" to resolve.

Darth Vader's Meditation Chamber clarification:

Should read: "Action - Exhaust this support to heal 1 damage from a Blue character and place 1 card from your discard pile on the bottom of your deck. Then spot Darth Vader to draw a card."

L3-37 Clarification:

When this character becomes an upgrade, she is not defeated and abilities that trigger from a character being defeated do not trigger.

If this character is elite, she keeps both of her dice when she becomes an upgrade.

Tobias Beckett Clarification:

This special ability does not use the word "then," so a player does not have to take 1 resource in order to gain 1 resource.

Val Clarification:

This special ability does not use the word "then," so a player does not have to take 1 resource in order to deal 2 damage.

Question: Can I play Ataru Strike or Finishing Strike and resolve one of Luke Skywalker's dice showing a shield with it?

Answer: Yes. Ataru Strike and Finishing Strike resolve a die, so you can use Luke's ongoing ability to resolve his die showing a shield as melee damage. Luke's die is considered to be showing melee damage as you resolve it. Luke's ability only works when his die would be resolved, not when it would be removed.