L5R RPG Beginner Set Images

By Coyote Walks, in Legend of the Five Rings: The Roleplaying Game

Thanks for sharing!

Is that your copy? If so can you provide us with a review?

Edited by Nheko
3 hours ago, Nheko said:

Thanks for sharing!

Is that your copy? If so can you provide us with a review?


But I wish it was. :)

? ?

Sold! Shut up and take my money! :P Have we gotten a release date besides a play test at Gencon?

That map of the Empire is getting framed and hung on my wall.

Where did you get to see one up close like this? Any idea when it will be released?

will it be possible to get the map without getting the "beginner's box" ? or is it marketing 101 ?

so far it and the dice seem like the draw to the beginner game.

2 hours ago, Avatar111 said:

will it be possible to get the map without getting the "beginner's box" ? or is it marketing 101 ?

Marketing 101.

You want the map? Buy the box.

Then again, since FFG owns the rights to L5R (as opposed to the situation with Star Wars), it's not outside the realm of possibility that they could offer the map as a PDF download, either when the box is released or sometime afterwards. But I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for that to happen.

More then likely the map will be in the main book too. As far as a poster size goes, may be including with the core book. Just like how The Atlas to Rokugan had the map in the book and a large poster map to take out.

Edited by BlindSamurai13