[Video] PTL Season 11 Playoffs

By Cod, in X-Wing Battle Reports

With the close of 1.0, we have time for one last PTL Season playoff before transitioning over to 2.0 I'll be updating this thread with videos as we release them. First up, the QF Matches. For this first one we take the opportunity to sit down with both players after their Turn 0 deployments to talk about their choices as well as their plan of attack.

Quarterfinal B - we weren't able to talk to the players beforehand but we aim to do so in further videos.

Edited by Cod

The second set of QF matches. Here's Quarterfinal C

Last of the Quarterfinal matches, before we head to the Semifinal.

Edited by Cod

On to the semifinals. Semifinal A:

Semifinal B. This one has a crazy ending!

Edited by Cod

At long last, the finals! Thanks everyone for watching!

Edited by Cod