Ahsoka - how to play?

By buckero0, in Imperial Assault Skirmish

I've been super excited about Ahsoka since she came out. Her abilities looked great, her stats were normal for a Jedi, decent defense, great offensive surges, a reroll, She has the traits Force User, Spy and Leader - all stellar

But when the rubber hits the road, she just dies and doesn't do much damage. For 8 points she doesn't do enough or cause enough of a threat.

Are there certain targets I should avoid? Should I be holding her back? What am I doing wrong? I've used her with several Force User cards and support, I've played her about 7-8 times and felt very let down every time, like I prefer Davith to Ahsoka (which is insanity, right? but he's more consistent for me)

Can anyone help?

She is a hit-and-run character. Save her for the last activation in the first round, then use Vigor+Force Jump to to gank somebody, then start of next round, activate her first, use Vigor to attack somebody close by, then Force Jump the **** outta there. She will need a Focus if you want her to be able to reliably 1-shot generic fighter figures with 6+ health.

If you are running her with other spies (like Davith) then Hide in Plain Sight is a staple card for her that will usually allow her to win back her points if you draw it early.

All said though, I think for 8+ points you need to be getting more than just a single ~5 damage melee attack from a figure, so it will often feel like she's not earning back her points. Compare her to Drokotta, who is way more durable, has similar reach without having to overcommit, and can deal damage to multiple figures with Blast/Shrapnel/Demolish. I have personally given up on Ahsoka in competitive skirmish, even though she's become one of my favorite characters.

With the exception of Vader, Maul and Obi-Wan, Force Users really need a boost in their attacks. Getting into melee range without getting melted by blaster fire is tricky enough.

I wonder if that new skirmish attachment called Doubt messes with a hostile figure's defensive values when attacked by a friendly Force User? Maybe not.

Nevermind what I said up here. You can go about your business. Move along.

Edited by cnemmick

Funny, I feel like Maul belongs in that other force user group. With no Surge to damage he might just fizzle terribly...

Number one rule of Jedi: only attack black dice figures.