Soar and Breath

By Bashwilly, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark


How does Soar and Breath works together if the a Dragon (For example) decide to attack from the air. Normaly, the figure have a malus of -4 to the range... But what happen with Breath?

Nothing official AFAIK, so I would house-rule it one of two ways to keep it simple:

1) the Soaring creature has to swoop down to fire blast, similar to making a melee attack

2) Allow the Soaring creature to blast away, ignoring the +4 Range of Soar.


IIRC Soar is unaffected by Breath, and vice versa. So Breath simply works normally, also if you were to attack a monster with a breath or blast attack while it was soaring it would hit normally. I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure that's how it works. Does that make sense? No, but nothing with Soar makes any sense anyhow.....

It makes perfect sense to me. Breath attack does not need range it just attacks certain spaces. It doesn't matter if the creature has soar , if he's in that space he is hit, even if he's on way high ground

I don't know instead what happens with "BLAST". You need there to calculate range. Maybe is a huge explosion and reaches 4 range up :)

Bashwilly said:


How does Soar and Breath works together if the a Dragon (For example) decide to attack from the air. Normaly, the figure have a malus of -4 to the range... But what happen with Breath?

FAQ pg14
Q: How does Soar interact with the breath template? Can Soaring creatures use Breath without having to descend? If a Soaring creature is hit by the breath template, is it actually hit?
A: Breath attacks always ignore range, and therefore treat Soaring creatures the same way they treat any other creature.

FAQ pg 15
Q: What happens when I hit a Soaring creature with a Blast weapon?
A: Treat creatures with Soar as if they did not have Soar for area-of-effect attacks such as Blast.

Pg15's quote would work if it was not already covered on pg14. Breath is an area-of-affect attack.

Shnar: FAQ fu man! Sort it out! gui%C3%B1o.gif

Corbon said:

Bashwilly said:


How does Soar and Breath works together if the a Dragon (For example) decide to attack from the air. Normaly, the figure have a malus of -4 to the range... But what happen with Breath?

FAQ pg14
Q: How does Soar interact with the breath template? Can Soaring creatures use Breath without having to descend? If a Soaring creature is hit by the breath template, is it actually hit?
A: Breath attacks always ignore range, and therefore treat Soaring creatures the same way they treat any other creature.

FAQ pg 15
Q: What happens when I hit a Soaring creature with a Blast weapon?
A: Treat creatures with Soar as if they did not have Soar for area-of-effect attacks such as Blast.

Pg15's quote would work if it was not already covered on pg14. Breath is an area-of-affect attack.

Shnar: FAQ fu man! Sort it out! gui%C3%B1o.gif

Corbon said:

Shnar: FAQ fu man! Sort it out! gui%C3%B1o.gif

Stupid @$$ FAQ. I swear I read that thing alot, but the only thing that I tend to retain are the "red" texts :P


ProtoPersona said:

Corbon said:

FAQ pg14

Q: How does Soar interact with the breath template? Can Soaring creatures use Breath without having to descend? If a Soaring creature is hit by the breath template, is it actually hit?
A: Breath attacks always ignore range, and therefore treat Soaring creatures the same way they treat any other creature.

FAQ pg 15
Q: What happens when I hit a Soaring creature with a Blast weapon?
A: Treat creatures with Soar as if they did not have Soar for area-of-effect attacks such as Blast.

Pg15's quote would work if it was not already covered on pg14. Breath is an area-of-affect attack.

I always read it as the Soaring figure must still add +4 range to the space he is targeting with a blast attack unless he swoops. The blast radius itself would ignore range to determine if the soaring figure hit itself in the blast.

Sure, a Soaring creature with Blast (there are none?) would still need to achieve the range to the square he is targeting. Thats why pg14 is just for breath (it goes both ways) and pg 15 is for blast and any AoE (its onlt discussing at soarers, not from soarers.