We are going to start RTL and I want to make sure that we understand some rules correct.
1. Is heroes always level 1 in RTL, OL gets 4 tokens and 2 cards per tirn (unless some effects in play)?
2. When equipment that allow you to carry more items are destroyed (pack of holdings) , all extra items are lost immediatelly?
3. At the final battle some maps allow heroes to come back to town while OL's avatar is in game. Heroes can stay in city as long as they want and heal themselves while OL get no advantage for that time. ( looks like no chance for OL heroes have too much mobility while OL have no cards). Shouldn't those maps remove glyphs after OL avatar comes to game?
4. There are some ranged itemswith sourcery from WoD addon (Surcerous Orb with Sorcery 3) . Sorcery looks more like magic ability and item looks like magic item, but it is ranged. Something wrong here?
5. Using necromancy skill possible to get monster on your side. Can this animated monster move to the next level anyhow?