So I've got a character idea I like, but I'm having trouble with the mechanics of it. She'll be a sidekick to a mandalorian bounty hunter, in more of a support role, and will likely pick up gunslinger later in the campaign. For now, She'll be the pilot and gearhead. My issue is so far that means pilot, mechanic and outlaw tech. Obviously too bulky to start. I want a decent pilot who can keep up the ship and do some kitbashing for the bounty hunter, and her own, gear and weapons.
Short version of the character background, her estranged (and now deceased) father was the land's pilot and was saving up to get his daughter out of. . . Here I'm split between racer who lost big and is now owned by a Hutt over the debt, or stuck as a mechanic for a swoop gang. The mando will show up with her little inheritance, and help her recover the rest (ship was repoed after dads death, low level crime boss was plyed off but figures dead men can't dispute). Hijinks insue and if the first session goes well, she becomes the mando's new pilot and sidekick.
I'e been cleared to use specializations from any of the three lines as long as my justification is good. Anyone see a combo I'm missing?