RtL Rumors... how many on one stop?

By SoyGreen, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

I'm at work - and I can't look it up in the manuals and I'm just itching to know the correct answer. :)

So my hero players arrived at their city - they are able to split up in the city and all visit other buildings... SO.

1 hero goes and shops for the group at the market.

The other 3 heroes hit up the tavern.

1st hero buys a rumor card for the 50 coins. It is a "there is no news" rumor card.

We say "well that sucks" so I let them get another rumor.

2nd hero buys a card for 50 coins. It's some crotchety old man who wants to sell them a map for 250 coins... BUT - they have to roll to see if it's a fake or not... and sure enough - FAKE.

So - I let the third hero get a card in the hopes they get SOMETHING - this one sucks for me as the Overlord - cause an old man comes up and gives them a "piece of treasure" - which is a - look through the current deck and pick anything out - and that is the treasure. (glad as can be we are on the copper level of the campaign when that card came out - and not a look through the gold deck...)

So after we do all that - one of the other players (who OLs for us now and again) asks - hey - can we get more than 1 rumor card on a visit? (As in ONLY 1 rumor per stop no matter how many heroes are in the tavern.) And not wanting to look it up WAY at the end of the night I let it go.

So - CAN the heroes get more than 1 rumor on a visit to the tavern as long as different heroes do it? We DO understand that you can only have 1 active rumor at a time - but since all three of those actually were not ones you had to make active on the map - could they have actually purchased ANOTHER one? Or would that be the limit then? Once - per hero - per stop at the tavern?

So did we play it right? Or did they get away with too many rumors on a turn? (I am letting the events of last night go as is - but want to play it properly from now on.)

Also - rumor cards you use - they go in the graveyard once done? We are playing it that way - as it's lame to get the same rumor in the same campaign we feel - so if we run out by chance - we will pull them back out and reshuffle. (I have the rumors for both campaigns though - so we shouldn't run out.)

Im pretty sure you can only get one Rumor per week

Yeah - I read it - but it isn't clear.

The rules say you can only have 1 active rumor.

All three of the rumors we drew last night were rumors that did not lead to an active rumor - Ex. a different dungeon last level.

1st - was nothing, 2nd - turned out to be a fake map , 3rd - treasure piece. They paid for them all - each of the three heroes took their move in town to go to the tavern to get a rumor.

I would say no way to more - IF - they drew one that created an active rumor. Well - even that leads to gray areas considering that some of the rumors are like the 3 we drew - that do not lead to any sort of active rumor.

SoylentGreen said:

Yeah - I read it - but it isn't clear.

The rules say you can only have 1 active rumor.

All three of the rumors we drew last night were rumors that did not lead to an active rumor - Ex. a different dungeon last level.

1st - was nothing, 2nd - turned out to be a fake map , 3rd - treasure piece. They paid for them all - each of the three heroes took their move in town to go to the tavern to get a rumor.

I would say no way to more - IF - they drew one that created an active rumor. Well - even that leads to gray areas considering that some of the rumors are like the 3 we drew - that do not lead to any sort of active rumor.

Multiple heroes can pull Rumor cards in a given week. Hero A draws one, that becomes the Active Rumor. Hero B would then draw one, and then must decide to discard it or make that the active Rumor, discarding Hero A's draw. Hero C then repeats the process.

You hit a rather interesting case where the first two Rumors were ones that instantly resolved without the heroes having to go anywhere. In that case, I'm not entirely positive how to handle it. I'm inclined to say that you played it right, since the rules tell the OL to draw the card and if there are any instructions at the top to follow them immediately , which would mean the card will have resolved before the next hero's chance to draw a new Rumor.

AFAIK, you played it the right way.

Well - I goofed up one part in that I let them draw and read them... That could pose problems I would assume (and I got lucky this time) should it be something they should not know and have to make a decision about.

I will do the drawing and reading from here on out.

Also - do you put the resolved rumor cards into the discard box? Or simply shuffle them back in?

I think I want to put them into the grave yard and IF they go through them all - I can reshuffle them - it would move us though all of the rumors and avoid repeats in the story of it all. :)

SoylentGreen said:

Well - I goofed up one part in that I let them draw and read them... That could pose problems I would assume (and I got lucky this time) should it be something they should not know and have to make a decision about.

I will do the drawing and reading from here on out.

Also - do you put the resolved rumor cards into the discard box? Or simply shuffle them back in?

I think I want to put them into the grave yard and IF they go through them all - I can reshuffle them - it would move us though all of the rumors and avoid repeats in the story of it all. :)

Well, the draw and reading this isn't a big deal really, I tend to let me heroes do that as well.

If the Rumor is discarded because the heroes either A) choose a new one or B) it resolves immediately and doesn't say remove from the game then it get shuffled back in.

if the Rumor is completed or the heroes fail to meet the victory conditions for the Rumor level in a dungeon, it is removed from the game.