
By signoftheserpent, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion RPG

The team are 'guests' of the Emperor's pleasure, residing in the detention block of an Imperial Star Destroyer. Destination: not good!

But what could happen to affect their attempts at escape and cause the ship to become imperiled?

Who's the mysterious stranger they're sharing a cell with and why can't he/she/it be trusted?

- help me fill in these vital blanks :D

Rebel alliance attack.

Triple Agent working all sides in the conflict.

1 minute ago, 2P51 said:

Rebel alliance attack.

Triple Agent working all sides in the conflict.

Having the rebels attack seems blackly humorous. What might compel them to attack this ship - it must be a threat to warrant destruction as they won't immediately know they have allies aboard.

The crew of a small freighter are brought in and imprisoned in the next set of cells out of sight of your PCs so they see them led in but aren't seen by them.

Shortly after one of them bamboozled the Imperial Interrogator and escapes freeing the others before sneaking their way off the ship.

The first your players know of this is when the alarm goes off announcing they have not just got back to their ship, disabled the Victory class Star Destroyers tractor beams and turned the fighter launch bay into a crude rail cannon causing all the launched TIEs to either career into anything in their way or leave them disabled in space.

They know this because their cells unlock and the guards are too busy trying to help put out all the fires caused by the sabotage!

By the way this is what happened in my first WEG Star Wars game so yes it happened! ?

Edited by copperbell

Maybe it'd be nicer if they could work out how to escape themselves, to a greater degree though?

2 hours ago, signoftheserpent said:

Having the rebels attack seems blackly humorous. What might compel them to attack this ship - it must be a threat to warrant destruction as they won't immediately know they have allies aboard.

It's off by itself and easy pickings for some trigger happy Rebel flyboys.

Player ingenuity is a great thing but there needs to be some catalyst to help them break out. We need something that can enable or asssist them making the initial break

Two of the players can simulate a confrontation between themselves, accusing each other of the situation, and scenificate a fight. One of them can scream loudly "nooo! my eyes! my eyeeeees! Yaaarg!" and one other tell "guards! guards! help! they are killing each other!". Then, when the stormtroopers enter the cell, there are the other players prepared to knock them down.

It is not original nor creative at all, but stormtroopers tend to fall always to this kind of trap.

Edited by hikari_dourden
On 5/28/2018 at 4:09 PM, signoftheserpent said:

The team are 'guests' of the Emperor's pleasure, residing in the detention block of an Imperial Star Destroyer. Destination: not good!

But what could happen to affect their attempts at escape and cause the ship to become imperiled?

Who's the mysterious stranger they're sharing a cell with and why can't he/she/it be trusted?

- help me fill in these vital blanks :D

Mysterious Stranger: Mandalorian who has a past history that is negative with one of the PCs. Or a Dark Side Force User in Statsis

The Mandalorian's comrades attack the ship attempting to free him. Who doesn't want to see jetpacks?

Dark side force user minions free him along with PCs.

Bring on the Inquisitors.

On 5/28/2018 at 1:30 PM, signoftheserpent said:

Maybe it'd be nicer if they could work out how to escape themselves, to a greater degree though?

Prima Faci this sounds like a neat idea, but game-masters often just leave the entire scenario enigmatic and provide very little useful description.

In real life we are observers in our situations. We pick up snippets and cues. We keep track of time and patterns. We put things together.

As a result, a game-master going to take this stance they are going to have to provide hints and tidbits that the players can put things together with.

If the GM has an idea about how the characters are to escape, the players need some reasonable clues to figure it out with.

Or, if the GM is going to sit back and wait for them to ask questions and build their own plan, he needs to have some useful answers.

Far too often there is no information or a sneering "why would I tell you that?" look on the GMs face.

I write this as someone who has been in exasperating and disheartening sessions with otherwise good GMs who failed miserably and made this kind of situation extremely unfun.

On 5/31/2018 at 11:57 PM, hikari_dourden said:

Two of the players can simulate a confrontation between themselves, accusing each other of the situation, and scenificate a fight. One of them can scream loudly "nooo! my eyes! my eyeeeees! Yaaarg!" and one other tell "guards! guards! help! they are killing each other!". Then, when the stormtroopers enter the cell, there are the other players prepared to knock them down.

It is not original nor creative at all, but stormtroopers tend to fall always to this kind of trap.

What could go wrong, right?

Before starting a fight and breaking out of a cell on a star destroyer it might be good to have some idea of where to go and how to get off once you've done it...

32 minutes ago, Vondy said:

What could go wrong, right?

Before starting a fight and breaking out of a cell on a star destroyer it might be good to have some idea of where to go and how to get off once you've done it...

Steal their stormtrooper armor, dress themselves with it, and if there are not enough armors for all of them or some don't fit in them, they can always play to be escorting prisoners. And use the elevators! Or use a thrash conduit.They go always somewhere XD.

It seems an infallible plan always in series and movies. But wait... in series and movies stormtrooper minions doesn't seem to roll with 3 yellow dices... Mmmm.... Perhaps the protagonists in the series and movies have the adversary 3 talent? Mmmm.... mmm...

32 minutes ago, Vondy said:

I write this as someone who has been in exasperating and disheartening sessions with otherwise good GMs who failed miserably and made this kind of situation extremely unfun.

I agree in this with you. Most GMs always forget that to have fun is primordial, and put their players in situations that they expect the players to solve for them. I made also this mistake as a GM, and have been told about that. The important thing is to learn, and be prepared for the players to don't know what to do but also surprise you with fun, classic or smart ideas.

Edited by hikari_dourden

The sd is en route to a penal colony that resides within a asteroid field. Prisoners are being sold as slaves.

The mysterious figure is a pirate captain of a local crew that harassess the empire on principle.

The pirate is actually a rebel sympathizer and his ship is inbound to intercept the sd while it’s in the asteroids.

To escape the captain has to trust the pc as those captured with him are shot one by one a possible traitor amoung his own.

You could use Starfall , an old WEG adventure, as a basis? Almost identical premise. I never played it or ran it, but I've got it sitting on a shelf somewhere.