System Open: Kylo Control Boats

By wurms, in X-Wing Battle Reports


TOTAL: 98pts

Below how I came about it if it interests you. And I say "I" meaning my brother and I as we developed it over time. Batrep is next post below.

The Preparation (for batrep scroll down)

In preparation, I had no idea what I was going to fly. I initially was **** bent on scum alpha with Nym,Torani,Jostero. Did a bit of practice matches, and a couple kit tourneys. Liked it overall, but fenn Ghost and Miranda Low Friend were just too tough, and Palp aces was always a close call 50/50 type match.

My bro started messing with Kylo,Vessery,Eps then switched to vader, then ryad, and just wasnt happy. I went with with Kylo,Quickdraw,friend. I really liked kylo, but quickdraws usefulness all depends on that first engagement. If dice go your way, its golden. When they dont and QD is eliminated instantly, its almost an auto lose. I rolled triple blanks with quickdraw twice in a row in a kit tourney vs QD/two silencers and he got wiped off the board instantly while his QD just lost shields. Same thing happened with Miranda low friend, and making up that 36pt loss with just kylo and a tie is tough vs tanky lists.

I realized I wanted more squirrely ships with kylo, cause he is gonna be all over the place.

Gunboats fit that bill. Started testing one with HLC,linked battery and another with Ion Cannon. Loved the tankiness and firepower. The HLC did a number on Lowhhrick, but I noticed I was only firing maybe twice a game with the HLC. But the ion cannon provided a threat people could not ignore, which is nice.

My bro tried double mangler and it tore fenn rau and ghost apart, but was kind of weak in other matches. If I was just getting one damage through in this tanky meta, I felt an ion would be more beneficial. And with dtf/selflessness everywhere the ion and flechette ignore it.

To save a point, I dropped the HLC for flechette and then added a harpoon. This still gave me a 4 dice alpha, and stress control. The stress control works on palp shuttle to prevent stop maneuvers, and shuts off maul on ghosts end of combat tlts which could save a point of damage perhaps, and any saved points help in that match. Another benefit was stress opponent, hop over them while they cant kturn, then reload that harpoon.

After many tests, this was the final version. Testing against Miranda Low Ezra we were winning that matchup 80% of the time. Slamming our gunboats to prevent the five dice harpoon strike and get angles on the squad and ion or stress low and then kylo can damage him wherever he is on the board with his dial.

After low drops, we win on points trading a gunboat for lowhhrick, and then just had to take ezra out before another gunboat and keep kylo alive to win on points.

This list is all about the win condition. The gunboats are 24pts and 27pts. So trade a gunboat to kill a 30pt ship like lowhhrick and put your opponent on the offensive.

kylo is 47pts with a 2pt bid.

Versus Miranda/low/friend I kill low and ezra, and never touch miranda. I win keeping kylo alive.

Versus Ghost Fenn, drop fenn (ion cannon is golden!) then I just need the ghost to half points 45pts (half of ghost plus docked shuttle).

Palp aces is take shuttle out and any one ace.

Timewalk asajj, just kill her friend and keep kylo alive and win 49-48.

Practice Matches

Day before S.O. i got two practice matches in.

First game was QD/Ryad/Palp. Zoomed kylo down board edge. Opponent went for kylo. Making it easy to get my flechette behind palp. Harpooned it, 5 straighted kylo over it. Slammed injured ion cannon away to save points. Took Palp shuttle out but Kylo took a beating from quickdraw, and harpoon condition double tapped QD sending kylo to 1 hull. Time is called, but we have 1 round left. Im in a bad spot and quickdraw is able to get a shot and do 1 dmg to kylo, taking the win. I felt good in the match and it was good practice. What cost me teh game was round before last I boosted to get out of ryads arc, but it put me too close to a debris, leaving my escape options limited, which cost me the game.

Second game was ghost/fenn. Ghost took my flechette down to 2 hull. Then I began blocking the ghost with it, causing fenn to bump. Kylo sent 4 dmg into fenn and ion cannon (linked battery!) kills fenn. I block the ghost constantly with my flechette boat and plink dmg with kylo. Ghost eventually gets away and finishes my gun boats. Kylo on 2 hull remaining and i need two dmg on ghost to win on points. Last shot, I get two dmg. End of combat TLTs can finish me though. I dodge the first one and live.


Good matches and I learned alot. Made some mistakes in the ghost matchup, dialing in moves specifically for adv sensors, instead of going either/or.

on to system open!


Game 1: Cooper with Rey/Lowhhrick (Expertise,C3PO,Tactician)

Win Condition: I felt good against Lowhhrick squads, with ion and flechette. If I take out Low and at least half Rey.

Report: Low and Rey come down right side. My squad spreads out. Kylo bolts down left side with 5 straights. Flechette boat in rocks in middle, and ion head on. I slam to block Lowhhrick and miss by a millimeter. This is crucial as my harpoon boat is in range as is Kylo for a chance at serious damage. Worse, my ion boat is range 1 of Rey AND lowhhrick now. My opponents red dice are hot early game and gets all paint and my ion drops to 1 hull. The missed block hurt bad. Lowhhrick is into hull though.

My red dice go cold mid game, and kylo is rolling hit 2 blanks and spending the lock for 2 more blanks. Ion boat gone, flechette blocking rey to keep that arc in check. Takes me rest of game to get Low down to 1 hull but could not kill him. Loss.

That missed block on round 2 was the game. Getting that block keeps my ion cannon alive with 3 more hull and low eats 2 more damage that round. Mistake by me. Dice are dice. Block is my screw up. Gotta play better in next two games.

Game 2 : Robert with Thweek with fcs, deadeye Kavil with synced turret and proton torps, deadeye Lok with harpoon.

Win condition: Kavil asap. Lok if opportunity arises. Kylo 1v1 cant be caught by any of his ships.

Report: Love seeing low agi ships with my ion cannon. My opponent brings his squad through middle. I skirt my edge with 1 straights with the boats until I know who he is targeting, so I can slam away. I 5 straight kylo behind his squad.

The way his Lok is positioned near a rock, I know he can only go one way so I slam my flechette the other way and his lok has no shot. I get super aggressive with Kylo and get range 1 behind kavil, and hit him for 4. Kylo loses a shield. I ion the Lok who is pointed toward my board edge. I keep that lok iond for 3 rounds, keeping him out of the fight.

Meanwhile Thweek and Kavil get Kylo to two hull. Kavil has 3 hull remaining. i set a 5 straight on my dial to get kylo outta there. Synced is only range 2, so Im safe. My flechette 2 sharps next round and harpoons kavil off the board.

My two full health gunboats go for thweek, while the lok is going for kylo. I just keep 5 straighting and Lok never catches me and is out of the fight even more. He gives up Kylo chase with the Lok and circles toward my boats who have thweek on 1 hull after an ion and a block. I slam passed the Lok as I am in no position to get a shot on thweek this round, and dont want to lose a boat from a harpoon. Time is called.

I don’t think the Lok fired a single time in the game. Ion cannon ftw!


Game 3: Peter with PTL,latts,EU Asajj / intensity fcs Guri / sunny

Win condition: Will gladly trade Guri and Sunny for both my boats.

Report: I placed kylo opposite corner of asajj and just opposite sunny. My boats lock Guri with LRS and that sends guri into defense mode, b rolling backwards and away from the fight. Leaving sunny all alone. I 5 straight kylo and next round land range 1 of sunny. My opponent blanked out on greens and sunny is off the board. My squad engages guri but cant land damage on her. **** you intensity!

Asajj is going for flechette boat and i see an opportunity with kylo to get a range 1 attack on asajj outta arc and so I take it. Getting her shields. My ion cannon has her in arc as well and plinks a hull and 1 ion on her. One more hull for half pts.

She is near a corner and I position my flechette to block her left green moves. A right 3 turn will put her facing the edge. She right 3 turns and doesn't have enough room to boost. I plink her for 1 more ion and she is going off the board next round. Opponent calls it.

Ion Cannon FTW!

Made it the stage 2!

Game 4 vs Ryan “Moisture” Farmer with Palp Aces (Expertise QD)

Win condition: Palp shuttle and any ace. Or QD and half the shuttle.

Report: He blasts inquisitor down the side while castling Palp and QD for a couple rounds. He puts some damage on my flechette gunboat.

I decide to lock Quickdraw, and get my gunboats on him next round. Ion cannon missies but harpoon wipes QDs shields out and my ion boat pays the price. Kylo 5 straights behind the shuttle and QD. I like where Kylo is (behind QD) and go for him, since a lot of time is left. Farmer finishes my second gunboat and its Kylo vs the world. Farmer sloops QD on a debris and rolls a crit - “Direct HIt”. QD on 1 hull. Im thinking I can plink that one damage in a round or two and have about 15-20 minutes left to work the shuttles 5 shields and take the win. Totally doable.

I take a focus and 4k and get a range 2 on QD out of his arc. My red dice laugh, even using my title for a reroll to blank into blank. Maybe 4 or 5 rounds left in the game, I need to kill QD and begin taking that shuttle. Next round I am range 1 behind QD with a focus and lock. I roll 3 hits and a blank. Spend the lock and reroll that blank into a beautiful fantastic sparkling BLANK. Farmer rolls paint to live. I knew that was game right there. I think I am on two hull and 15 minutes left. Farmer can send QD left or right, so my only option is to dial in a straight, but if he b-rolls backward, I get no shot. Im hoping he makes a mistake and focuses instead, but he does the right thing. I have no shot on QD and the inevitable happens a couple rounds later. Loss 100-0.

It was a good game. I made some dumb decisions, but still felt I was in a winnable position if that range 1 lock reroll didnt screw me.

Ah well, it was a good showing, and other than match 1 where I screwed myself with a block. I felt my flying was pretty good and the list is fun as ****. Not sure what I am running in store champs, if I continue with this or move on to scum aces.

Edited by wurms

Good read and looks like a fun list!

Thanks for the report. Might have to try out that list. Looks like a lot of fun.