New Art from FFG

By Tabris2k, in Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game

So FFG posted these (among others we already know) full arts by Amélie Hutt.

Apart from being beautiful, you can see that that first art is very similar in composition to the Tadaka/Kaede art in the Phoenix novella, that was also split in half to be used for the Tadaka card. So maybe this one is also for the Scorpion Novella?

And looking at the sword in the Dragon art... could that be the Ancestral Sword of the Dragon?

When I first saw the dragon art, I thought the sword and armor were glowing, but now I notice the dude's head and right side (our left, his right) are similarly limned (outlined in light, for those of you who lack my awesome vocab skills ? ), so apparently that's just from the moon behind him and not a magical glow signifying enchanted equipment (which frankly, since the Agasha are, like, right there I don't get why EVERY sword and armor in the dragon clan isn't enchanted!)

My first thought about the "Dragon" art is Goju infiltrator.

Some poor Dragon has had his face stolen, and now the Shadowspawn is about to make its escape, covered by a diversion no doubt created by the two ninja on the roof of the building in front of the moon.

That, or Dragon-san has noticed the two ninja and intends to educate them on the finer points of not-waking-the-Mirumoto-Niten-school-master-swordsman.

Edit: I like the theory that the first piece is actually the twin Kami Shiba and Bayushi.

Edited by Mangod
1 hour ago, Mangod said:

My first thought about the "Dragon" art is Goju infiltrator.

Some poor Dragon has had his face stolen, and now the Shadowspawn is about to make its escape, covered by a diversion no doubt created by the two ninja on the roof of the building in front of the moon.

Goju? What's that?

(Just my way of saying, for the benefit of those who are newer to the story, or those who haven't entirely kept up with it, that there hasn't yet been anything to indicate that the Goju--minions of an existential enemy of the Empire known as The Nothing--even exist in the new, FFG setting...)

They look absolutely fantastic - thanks to the OP as I totally missed these and now I need it as my background!!

4 hours ago, DGLaderoute said:

Goju? What's that?

(Just my way of saying, for the benefit of those who are newer to the story, or those who haven't entirely kept up with it, that there hasn't yet been anything to indicate that the Goju--minions of an existential enemy of the Empire known as The Nothing--even exist in the new, FFG setting...)

Oh they exist.... proof is hard to come by, especially this early in the game’s release, but I suspect that we will see the Goju.

8 hours ago, DGLaderoute said:

Goju? What's that?

(Just my way of saying, for the benefit of those who are newer to the story, or those who haven't entirely kept up with it, that there hasn't yet been anything to indicate that the Goju--minions of an existential enemy of the Empire known as The Nothing--even exist in the new, FFG setting...)

Goju by name, no. But the flavour text(s?) on Inquisitive Ishika and Shosuro Sadako are quite implicating. And Ninube has been mentioned...

7 hours ago, Tonbo Karasu said:

Goju by name, no. But the flavour text(s?) on Inquisitive Ishika and Shosuro Sadako are quite implicating. And Ninube has been mentioned...

Indeed. I'm just pointing out that we don't know for SURE that The Nothing/Lying Darkness and its minions exist in this version of the setting. They certainly might, but newer players may not know who/what these things are, while more experienced players may end up with some expectations that aren't justified--yet, anyway.

Believe me, I'd be THRILLED to have The Nothing back. I was a Dark Path of Shadow player back when that was a thing, and had to go through losing my faction (along with Toturi's Army, Brotherhood of Shinsei, Naga, Toturi's Army, etc...) ☹️ I also wrote the chapter about "The Nothing" in the 4th Ed RPG book "Enemies of the Empire", so this existential void that wants to obliterate all creation is kinda near to my heart ?