This might have been answered earlier and I missed it, but can't Deathwatch and Dark Heresy , and rogue trader characters be cross compatable? can you make parties containing elements of all three??
Will players drop DH for this game?
Bruticus99 said:
This might have been answered earlier and I missed it, but can't Deathwatch and Dark Heresy , and rogue trader characters be cross compatable? can you make parties containing elements of all three??
Unless I missed it also they haven't officially stated that they are mixable. But it's being assumed that they are cross compatible because they are making it using the same system, d10, with the same characteristics. Most likely even if they are not *made* cross compatible, as in the rulebook tells you how to do it, a good GM can swing it easily enough.
TCBC Freak said:
Bruticus99 said:
This might have been answered earlier and I missed it, but can't Deathwatch and Dark Heresy , and rogue trader characters be cross compatable? can you make parties containing elements of all three??
Unless I missed it also they haven't officially stated that they are mixable. But it's being assumed that they are cross compatible because they are making it using the same system, d10, with the same characteristics. Most likely even if they are not *made* cross compatible, as in the rulebook tells you how to do it, a good GM can swing it easily enough.
I am hoping that they will provide some way of being a bit cross compatible. My players all want to play something different from an Inquisitor to Rogue Trader to a Devastator.
I remember when they first started these books that they wanted them to all be compatible is some way. I think that was what their mission statement was way back in the day. I hope they hold true to it.
Not us. As it is right now, we'll be running DH, RT, and DW in order. Once we finish our DH campaign, we'll do the RT campaign I've cooked up, then we'll get on to the mashing of heads with the marines.
SonofDorn said:
I doubt that Deathwatch will supplant Dark Heresy. If anything, I can see group melding the three titles together for what could be a really intriguing adventure. I plan on merging my RT game with Deathwatch (still working on the details of how it's all going to happen) and I'm hoping the players will enjoy the merger.
This sounds like an EXCELLENT idea. While each game has its own unique flavor, there's definitely a lot of potential overlapping with missions and character motivations. Rogue Trader itself contains suggestions for integrating Dark Heresy characters into RT games, and vice versa; I can only imagine Deathwatch will do the same.
In fact, here's a potential group: Inquisitor Severus (DH, Ascension) of the Ordo Xenos is being sent to the fringe-world of Sodallagain (thanks to Sandy Mitchell for that one), where the locals appear to be trafficking in goods from an especially vicious Xenos race. He tasks Brother Frastus of the Deathwatch (Deathwatch, natch) to accompany him, along with Brother Techmarine Delmarius (same) to analyze said Xeno goods to their ultimate source. But due to a hilarious paperwork shuffle (which, at least in my DH games, appear with alarming frequency), Inquisitor Severus has to pay his own way, and so he finds a down-on-her-luck Rogue Trader from a once-noble line by the name of Artesia (Rogue Trader, obviously), whose only trustworthy crewmember is Navigator Taurn (RT, again). The real fun begins when you mix DH Ascension's Influence (which Severus obviously needs to increase, since he's begging around for a ride), Rogue Trader's Endeavours (deliver the Inquisitor and pray he doesn't find anything untoward in the under-decks), and whatever mission system the Deathwatch uses (Protect Severus, kick aliens in the teeth/mandibles/etc).
LeBlanc13 said:
Plus, I've never gotten to play an arbitrator yet. That career is really appealing to me, but my cleric just won't die.... not that I'm trying to get him killed either.
Currently playing an arbitrator as my Sister of Battle most certainly did die .. I wasn't trying. I reckon DH will remain our primary game. The guy running the game also has Rogue Trader, he's using some ship stuff out of that but DH remains the focus. Primarily see Deathwatch as short sharp shocks, he may have different ideas mind.
It is also possible to mix the games by for instance having the DH players request aid from the Space Marines, and then have the players play as the Space Marines on the mission. With a little creativity from the GM he should be able to make the story hold and make it a recurrent event every now and then. This way the players will continue to be in the same world you have formed together over many hours, and still get to experience the thrill of space marine awesomeness. These are the lines I am currently considering.
No it will not overshadow the main story that I have in DH...DW will have some offshoot time where players will get to feel uber....I will as usual work in the DW interactions to my DH.....If you read any of the DH fluff novels than you can come up with some really interesting ideas on how you can work all 3 different settings together in a long over arching adventure.....
all in all can't wait to try and out
This is what my group has been waiting for, as for DH, we quit playing that garbage over a year ago. As a filler, we have been playing Cthuhlu Tech RPG and have been running it quite a bit like DW, its awesome. I hope DW is the icing on the cake for a change. Oh and we never bought into RT either, sounds too boring, if we wanna play traders we can always break out Traveller.
My group already put DH down in favor of Rogue Trader. Dark Heresy was great fun, but Rogue Trader played more into my tendency to run games where the players have a significant amount of power. We've been playing it for at least three months, and I have no plans on putting it down for an extended period of time. Regardless, I'll be picking up Deathwatch because I've been happy with the treatment given the other two games, and because my players had an interest in mucking about with some SPEHSS MUHREENZ for a change of pace... including the female player.
not for me, i mean yeah ill use gear and rules and even characters from DW for DH but i will stick with DH ascended characters i prefer investigation rather than exploration or blowing stuff up constantly. DH has soo much more of a real life feel you are just a regular person in a better position than anyone else trying not to grow a tentacle in the end of it all.
ThenDoctor said:
not for me, i mean yeah ill use gear and rules and even characters from DW for DH but i will stick with DH ascended characters i prefer investigation rather than exploration or blowing stuff up constantly. DH has soo much more of a real life feel you are just a regular person in a better position than anyone else trying not to grow a tentacle in the end of it all.
Did you just say that you would stick with ascended characters and then say it has more of a real life feel?
other than being a brainwashed supersoldier who can punch through a steel wall without a powerfist? yeah i think its a bit more real it may be broken but dont mock ascention i prefer i like the broken ness of it, it makes other careers have to work harder to compete... so yeah dont laugh or mock
ThenDoctor said:
other than being a brainwashed supersoldier who can punch through a steel wall without a powerfist?
You mean a Vindicaire Assassin?