First off, let me say that this was fun. A lot of fun. Figuring out the goofy interactions, seeing how good some cards were, and deciding when to attack vs. when to attack to break.
It was a three player game. Dragon(Monk)/sub-Crab (Levy), Crane(Honor)/sub-Lion, and Unicorn/sub-Lion.
- Honor is much more possible in this format (at least Crane Honor). Crane got pounced on when he hit 22 honor. Came very close to winning.
- Have Seeker Initiates? The way the rules read, the Dragon was able to attack Fire twice in one round to try to get it to activate.
- Unicorn are much better in this environment than I think anyone suspects. Unicorn player is the newest to our group. He should have been running roughshod over us....
- Small cost peeps are awesome. Bodies to defend or....
- We all had to learn that you don't have to attack to break a province.
- Dishonor is still a very real threat.
- Pay attention to the Rings your Opponents have. Dragon won by swinging in on a province the had two Rings on it he needed. If one of those had been a claimed ring, he wouldn't have won.
- Put aside 2-3 hours. Treat it like a casual game of Commander . You'll have more fun.
What we didn't do:
- Treaties. I suspect this will be a bigger feature in larger games.
- Gear the Decks to the format. Smaller people are great here while 4 costers will make you groan.
I feel like Lion are going to be Rock Stars in Enlightenment right after Unicorn.
Overall, it felt like a good game of Munchkin , where you weren't sure who was going to win until the end.
Edited by Coyote Walks