With the next cycle already set to come out this summer, what clan do we think will be the next focus for a novel? I'm hoping for Lion but expecting Unicorn to help the meta of the card game.
Who will be next?
Lion would be really good if we could get a mix of what Toturi is up to and what Tsuko is up to. Crane would also be awesome I think because we'd probably get Tsuko and'or Kachiko in it. Those are my votes, but then books with Shono or Hitomi or any of the Crab heroes would be awesome.
Well, we get the Scorpion focus coming this fall. Should be interesting!
I like that it's about Yojiro, makes me much more interested in the book. I mean I'm going to read them all either way, just happy this story's summary sounds more interesting than "Scorpions gunna Scorpion."
Well the Phoenix novella is interesting so far (won't spoil), but I will note in the back of the book, a large amount of detail on one of the Phoenix vassal families, which for me as GM is a gold mine
Reading it now and I've got to agree. I really hope we get rp rules for them.
I just got mine today, going to start reading it this evening. Good to know it has more than just the story and cards!
I really loved the story. Magic and supernatural stuff isn't my favorite part of the setting but it was awesome in this book.
Well, now we know that Unicorn and Crane will get the next two releases at a quicker pace than the last two clan packs, question becomes: Will the novels come out as quick?
I really hope so. I'd like to get a few of these books a year. The fictions have been just so good imo
Time to channel my inner Yogo Junzo for some thread necromancy.....
With the Crane novel being the most likely 4th novella, and the focus on Hotaru vs Kuwanan in the latest Cycle pack to preview, will this 'Crane Civil War' be the plot?
I expect so. The Phoenix novella drove forward the internal Phoenix story by way of Tsukune growing into her Championship and Tadaka growing dangerous in his studies. The Scorpion novella drove forward the internal Scorpion story by way of Yojiro's struggle with rationalizations and the push/pull between Kachiko & Shoju. The Unicorn novella drives forward the internal Unicorn story through international politics and the ambition of the Moto. You can't really drive forward the Crane internal story without speaking directly to the Hotaru/Kuwanan conflict.