Question D JITD Original

By Prostarr27, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

If you are transformed into the Monkey God are you still a hero?? And if you aren't does that mean you can't be trapped and also that you don't have line of sight privileges??

Also can the overlord player surround an active glyph making it useless because you wouldn't be able to end your turn on it??

I think that's all that came out of a latest round of Descent (6 hours of losing to the OL in Quest 7!! Stupid Soul Biter)

Since the rules don't say that a monkey is no longer a hero, and still refer to "the hero's turn" multiple times, I would assume that the only effects of being transformed are the ones specifically stated in the rules, specifically:

  • Instead of declaring an action on your turn (such as "Run"), the only thing you can do is move 5 spaces.
  • You cannot take movement actions.
  • You cannot attack.
  • You cannot use items.
  • You are considered to have zero armor, regardless of all other effects.
  • You still have your normal wounds and fatigue.

As for glyphs, only monsters are prohibited from ending their movement on an active glyph; heroes are permitted to do so. However, you cannot attack while sharing a space with another figure (or end your movement in such a space), and you cannot use a glyph twice in one turn, so if the first hero to come out doesn't manage to kill a monster and clear a path, then no additional heroes will be able to emerge from that glyph on the current turn (unless they have Acrobat or something).