Road to Legend- About to Buy

By Winter324, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

I was planning on going by the Event Center this afternoon to purchase Road to Legend. I spent some time last night reading the rules. Of course the quest guide part is not online. Though I think I was excited enough just by reading the first bit.

Anyhoo, what I am wondering is if there are full user created campaigns out there? I've seen a ton of single quest dungeons around. I assume there are campaigns as well. Can one of you point me to the right direction? Oh, and a cheat sheet fro Road to Legend would be great too if anyone knows where that is. I have the Headless Hollow one for the core game. Something like that.

The best Rules Summaries are by Headless Hollow...

Journeys in the Dark

Road to Legend

As for campaigns, yes there is at least one full RtL style campaign in the Homebrew section. I think Big Remy created it. (problem with homebrew campaigns is that you have to print and cut out tons of stuff like tokens etc. unlike a new quest where you just print out a couple of Quest Guide pages)

Thanks Frog. I was checking out the homebrew section just a bit ago. I'll look for the one you were mentioning.

Other than Remy's, no fans have added anything to the Advanced Campaign except for the occasional house-rules here and there that I'm aware of. I'm attempting to create an Advanced Campaign for Doom: The Boardgame, and it's no easy feat. And honestly, there's a lot just in the base game so my guess is fans haven't felt the need to add anything yet :)


Wait, I made a full length campaign? Awesome, how was it?

Kidding...I was actually working on a module that was meant to be played with RtL but it has sadly been put on the shelf for now as I try to finish my PhD up.

Actually, the whole idea has been somewhat scrapped and I'm trying to rework it into an actual full length campaign.

Yeah - I havn't seen a player made campaign yet - the only one i have seen is the Order of Kellios - it's in the home brew section.

That one is a Vanilla expansion however.

Although OOK is a vanilla expansion, it does have some RtL features, like a new Avatar and a few new dungeon so it's still probably worth checking out.

Just a note from personal experience, there are a lot of good homebrew rules out there, but the two that I think are absolutely essential to keeping the gameplay fresh are (semi)randomized treachery and that the OL must raze 4 other cities before he can besiege Tamalir. These are so important because the OL wins if Tamalir is razed, and so many OL's will just siege Tamalir with Lieutenant after Lt. until he wins, forcing the heroes into a very monotonous amount of Lt. battles.

Speaking of Lt. battles, this is also the main reason for having the semi-randomized treachery. There are multiple formulas, but most are close to this: The OL randomly draws a number of treachery cards dependent of the amount of treachery he has of that type, and then purchases his treachery from those cards. Generally it's like 4/6/8/10 cards for 1/2/3/4 treachery of that type (With only the # of treachery or lesser cost cards to draw from randomly: you don't want to draw a 3 treachery cost card if you only have 2, so just randomly draw from the 1's and 2's). This will break the monotony and abuse of the same very overpowered treachery cards being played again and again. Also, some of the optimal combinations late-game with 4 trap and 3 event treachery make the Lt. battles virtually unwinnable for the heroes.

These changes don't radically alter the game or the tools at the OL's disposal, they just set up some safeguards against munchkin-esque play that the core RTL rules do not. There are always more radical changes that you can make, but I would recommend not implementing them until you've played a couple games and judge the balance of the game for yourself. Happy Gaming!

Kartigan said:

Although OOK is a vanilla expansion, it does have some RtL features, like a new Avatar and a few new dungeon so it's still probably worth checking out.

A new RtL plot is included in this expansion as well, also Avatar specific upgrades and an Avatar specific Lieutenant.