More SoB questions

By Badend, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

1. If a monster with soar is moving through the space of a monster without soar, and the space gets attacked with a guard action what happens? Would a melee attack only hit the ground monster? Would a range attack have 2 different range targets, 1 to hit the ground monster, and another to hit the soaring monster? Would the attack just target the ground monster, but hit both?

2. Tentacles seem to be able to move onto the Revenge. What happens if the Revenge moving would cause the tentacles to be further than 3 spaces from their main body? Would the body get dragged along? would the tentacles stop moving? Would the tentacles move further away, and possible have no legal moves if they became 5 spaces from their body?

I don't know about #2, tentacles still kind of confuse me, but my group hasn't had an encounter with them yet so I haven't tried to figure them out. I would think #1 would hit both, but only the bottom one if it's a melee attack, and only if it has the bonus range if a ranged attack would it hit the top.

1. Personally, I would think that you would have to pick which figure that you would attack... being that the Soaring figure is always considered to be +4 spaces further than it already is. No part of the rules talks about this, though, and as you could possibly do the same thing when any monster walks through the space of any other monster... I would have to guess RAW as: The attack hits the space, and if you have range to the space, plus the additional range to the Soaring creature, you'd hit them both.

2. I would have to figure that it would follow much of the same rules as many others of this type. If made to move out of range, then they would have to move back into range as soon as possible, without being able to attack unless they move back to within 3 spaces of the main figure.

Now this does create another question... does Tentacles have some of the same traits of the creating creature? Namely Swim? Or are they really nearly useless in encounters... due to the whole 2 movement per water square issue?

1. Clearly the atack is made for both creatures, but you hit the soaring creature only if you have enough range, this can happen with ground monsters too if the overlord is reckless.

My question is what happens if a stealth monster enters a space with another non stealth unit and both are atacked, does the stealth is rolled for both units (just like blast or breath in wich case if one is dodging then all are dodging ) or not.

2. Nobody knows yet how they really work, they are some debates on the forum about that, but nothing for sure. If they cannot leave from 5 spaces away that would mean that they are atached to the kraken so you make a house rule if the kraken moves with the ship or tentacles are left behind.

Slapul said:

1. Clearly the atack is made for both creatures, but you hit the soaring creature only if you have enough range, this can happen with ground monsters too if the overlord is reckless.

My question is what happens if a stealth monster enters a space with another non stealth unit and both are atacked, does the stealth is rolled for both units (just like blast or breath in wich case if one is dodging then all are dodging ) or not.

Indeed. Attacks are made on spaces, not figures. Howveer an attack on a Soaring creature must exceed the range required by 4 in order to hit that figure (and not be a melee attack).

You attack the space. You affect the figure on the ground if the attack is not a miss and has the range to reach the space. You affect the saring figure as well as long as the attack does not miss, is not a melee attack and exceeds the range required to reach the space by 4.

The rules for stealth are specific. The stealth dice result only ever effects a figure that has the stealth ability. This is different from every other dice.
Thus you can have a successful attack on a non-stealth figure that is also an unsuccessful attack (due to a stealth X) on a stealthy figure in the same space.
ToI pg 7
When a single attack roll would affect multiple figures (for example, an attack using Blast, Breath, or Sweep), and any of those figures have Stealth, a single stealth die is included in the attack roll, but the stealth die’s result is used only for the figures that currently have Stealth.

Interestingly the stealth die is still added to the attack roll in general, so it seems that a dodge by the non-stealthy figure would still allow a stealth die reroll even though that die does not affect that figure.