I'm looking for some guidance from a wide pool of Rogue Trader players on a matter that concerns me.
I've never enjoyed RT as much as Dark Heresy. Whilst I was, for a long time, unable to pin down exactly why, one phrase seemed to resound in my skull. Rogue Trader: you're doing it wrong .
With the recent struggle to secure ourselves a wrecked cruiser upon which to construct a mighty warship, I haven't had a lot of time for self-indulgent introspection, in character, but I do tend to feel a bit superfluous in battle. I dispense peptalks like some sort of +10 Stat Check vending machine. I strike heroic poses and charge gamely into close combat (and, had the dice not hated me last game, that plasma pistol of mine would have put some serious hurt on the enemy).
Ultimately, though, I feel like it wouldn't make a massive difference if I wasn't there at all. And I feel like I have somehow missed an important core of being a Rogue Trader. If I was a huge, bombastic Lord-Captain with an ego my ship's Geller Field struggled to encompass, I wouldn't care whether I was useful or not. Maybe attempting to create fairness and equality for the crew, aside from being a tad radical in the 40k universe, was an inherently bad idea.
But aside from my suspicion that I've created a RT doomed to angst and failure, I think my core problem with Rogue Trader is this: what is it all for?
In DH, my lowly (and less lowly) acolytes have many things they aspire to, climbing various career ladders and saving up to buy new armour or weaponry. What does my RT aspire to? A cruiser? A swimming pool? A harem to go around the edge of said pool? At the heart of it, I started the game right at the top, and there is nowhere left for me to climb.
As I've already stated, I think I'm missing the point of this whole system (from a RT perspective, anyway. The other classes seem more functional and have a clearer progression to my eye), so if anyone could enlighten me, I would be extremely appreciative!