Canberra Corellian Conflict Campaign Caper Compendium

By DrJonesJnr, in Star Wars: Armada Battle Reports

GDay Commanders,

While hanging out in Canberra temporarily for a few months, I managed to run into a few X-wing/Armada fans at Jolt Games for a few matches, which ended up in getting a CCC going. Thought I'd drop a few BATREPs (if the moderators let the new guy in =D). Players are varying experience levels from first timer to Comp Veteran - Much like @Astech 's CCC.


Starting Fleets



Name: Dorito Sqn
Commander: Darth Vader


Assault: Advanced Gunnery
Defence: Contested Outpost
Navigation: Solar Corona

ISD Cymoon 1 Refit (112)
• Darth Vader (36)
• Gunnery Team (7)
= 155 Points

Victory II (85)
• Gunnery Team (7)
= 92 Points

Gladiator II (62)
• Demolisher (10)
= 72 Points

• Dengar (20)
• Black Squadron (9)
• Valen Rudor (13)
• Ciena Ree (17)
• 2 x TIE Interceptor (22)
= 81 Points

Total Points: 400

Name: Midway Fleet
Commander: Admiral Sloane


Assault: Most wanted
Defence: Hyperspace assault
Navigation: Minefields

Quasar Fire II (61)
• Admiral Sloane (24)
• Rapid Launch Bays (6)
= 91 Points

Quasar Fire II (61)
• Rapid Launch Bays (6)
= 67 Points

Quasar Fire II (61)
• Rapid Launch Bays (6)
= 67 Points

Gladiator I (56)
• Ordnance Experts (4)
= 60 Points

• 4 x TIE Fighter (32)
• 4 x TIE Bomber (36)
• 4 x TIE Interceptor (44)
= 112 Points

Total Points: 397

Name: Hot Pickle
Commander: General Dodonna


Assault: Targeting beacons
Defence: Fire lanes
Solar corona

MC75 Armoured Cruiser (104)
• Electronic Countermeasures (7)
= 111 Points

MC80 Assault Cruiser (114)
• General Dodonna (20)
• Electronic Countermeasures (7)
= 141 Points

CR90 Corvette A (44)
• Turbolaser Reroute Circuits (7)
= 51 Points

Hammerhead Torpedo Corvette (36)
= 36 Points

• 3 x YT-2400 (48)
• X-wing (13)
= 61 Points

Total Points: 400

Name: Pickle Mix
Commander: Admiral Raddus


Assault: Targeting beacons
Defence: Superior positions
Fighter ambush

MC75 Ordnance Cruiser (100)
• Admiral Raddus (26)
= 126 Points

MC80 Star Cruiser (96)
• Liberty (3)
= 99 Points

MC80 Command Cruiser (106)
• Electronic Countermeasures (7)
= 113 Points

• 2 x X-wing (26)
• 2 x A-wing (22)
• YT-1300 (13)
= 61 Points

Total Points: 399

The Rebel Alliance snagged a spynet, skilled spacers, repair yard and 95 starting resource pts. Empire grabbed 3 shipyards and 127 starting resource pts.


As seems to be the standard arrangement, it was agreed that no base or special assaults would be declared at Round 1. Rebels chose to attempt a liberation of Duro, while the Empire focussed on Corfai.

The Battle of Corfai: Vader v. Raddus (obj: Targeting beacons) @DrJonesJnr / @Mr B4RRY

On arrival at Corfai, Vader discovered an MC75 and MC80A in line astern and, overconfident in the raw firepower of the Angry triangles, drove both his ship and the VSD directly at the MC75 in the lead, while Demolisher flanked to the right around the station to get behind the Rebel fleet. Liberty dropped out of hyperspace mid-way through the battle at high speed - directly in front of Demolisher, leaving her with nowhere no go and was quickly snared in a single salvo of focussed ion fire after a pitiful snapshot that was partially obscured by the station. As he watched the small destroyer helplessly drift out of the Liberty's way, Vader incredulously realised that he had been lured into a trap! Nevertheless... and as expected, he pressed the attack, losing the VSD under the sustained fire from 3 Mon Calamari capital ships, but ensured the rebel fighter wing was quickly dispatched by the veteran Imperial fighter squadrons. Vader fought to the bitter end, incredibly holding his own ship together with his sheer unbridled rage. Having sprung their trap, the Rebels disengaged with some heavily damaged, but quite intact, capital ships. Those Rebel Scum will pay for this. Soon.
Bad deployment choice for the Empire with some truly terrible dice rolls, all of which were exploited heavily by @Mr B4RRY . Also - Radish bombs suck. Did not expect the Liberty to drop in front of the Demo either. (Pics attached for Rounds 3-5. Disregard VSD in R5 pic)

Duel at Duro: Dodonna v. Sloane (obj: Minefields) @Aj81 / @Supernatural

Stay tuned...

Edited by DrJonesJnr

Personal Log - Admiral Sloane (Z+1)

Whilst laying a minefield in the Duro system, a Rebel fleet (Designation: Hot Pickle) of two heavy fleet units and two small fleet units jumped into system.

******Rebel Fleet designation Hot Pickle*** ***

  • MC75 Armoured Cruiser
  • MC80 Assault Cruiser
  • CR90 Corvette A
  • Hammerhead Torpedo Corvette
  • 3 squadron of YT2400
  • Single X-wing Squadron

Carrier 2 was forced to return to the rest of the fleet, which was holding position behind the minefield. The rebel fleet gave chase and was intercepted by the GSD with the support of Carrier 3 which had moved up to cover the retreat of Carrier 2. All carrier air wings deployed from the carriers with the TIE Fighters and Interceptors screening the carriers and TIE Bombers. The gallant fighter pilots succeeded in stalling the advance of the 2400s and X-wings, however were all lost due to the combination of squadron fire and flak.

The GSD paid a terrible price for covering Carrier 2 and was crippled by the combined fire from the MC75 and 80...adding it’s remains to the minefield we had only just established. Carrier 3 was heavily damaged supporting the GSD and was destroyed by long-range fire as it attempted to disengage from the Rebel heavies. Yet more Imperial debris added to the minefield. With the lose of Carrier 3 and TIE Bombers causing only minimal damage to the heavies, the recall message was sent. Once the bombers had returned to the carriers the fleet entered hyperspace and the Rebel’s controlled Duro.....

Edited by Supernatural