Round 2 kicked off with LTD vs Villakarvoarousku.
Villa chose to go first. Admonition was Villa's token grabber, and Jaina's Light for me.
The B-Wings, Yavaris, and Bright Hope camped out on the Token, while Jaina's Light made an end run to get the other token.
Admonition headed towards the Yav ball, while Quantum Storm sliced Jaina and Foresight moved into position for a second round knock-out. But There was just enough room for Jaina to avoid the black dice and stay on the table and it all went like clockwork from there...
Admonition was forced to fly into range of 3 B-Wings and a Yavaris with Squadron token. The B-Wings double tapped into the Admo's side, stripping shields and all tokens, leaving Admo on 3 health. Yavaris had a double arc and fired from the side - blank and accuracy. Fired from the front and got blank, hit, double hit. The perfect amount!
Admonition went pop, Jaina's Light grabbed the token, and we called it at the start of turn 5.
135 - 0 to LTD, which is a 9/2.
Thanks to Villakarvoarousku for a pleasant (if brutally short) game. Had the bombers made just 1 less hit or Yavaris rolled not perfectly the game would have been quite different - Yavaris would have taken 2 blue and 5 black and possibly died, and the token been handed to Villa. I think I would have gotten even a heavily damaged Admonition because Bright Hope was blocking the path to escape, which would have let the B-Wings have another go... but that is a different story told in a parallel universe.
I have the logfile if folks wish to see it...
Edited by LTD