Valuable Payload Battle Reports

By CaribbeanNinja, in Star Wars: Armada Battle Reports

Round 2 kicked off with LTD vs Villakarvoarousku.

Villa chose to go first. Admonition was Villa's token grabber, and Jaina's Light for me.

The B-Wings, Yavaris, and Bright Hope camped out on the Token, while Jaina's Light made an end run to get the other token.

Admonition headed towards the Yav ball, while Quantum Storm sliced Jaina and Foresight moved into position for a second round knock-out. But There was just enough room for Jaina to avoid the black dice and stay on the table and it all went like clockwork from there...

Admonition was forced to fly into range of 3 B-Wings and a Yavaris with Squadron token. The B-Wings double tapped into the Admo's side, stripping shields and all tokens, leaving Admo on 3 health. Yavaris had a double arc and fired from the side - blank and accuracy. Fired from the front and got blank, hit, double hit. The perfect amount!

Admonition went pop, Jaina's Light grabbed the token, and we called it at the start of turn 5.

135 - 0 to LTD, which is a 9/2.

Thanks to Villakarvoarousku for a pleasant (if brutally short) game. Had the bombers made just 1 less hit or Yavaris rolled not perfectly the game would have been quite different - Yavaris would have taken 2 blue and 5 black and possibly died, and the token been handed to Villa. I think I would have gotten even a heavily damaged Admonition because Bright Hope was blocking the path to escape, which would have let the B-Wings have another go... but that is a different story told in a parallel universe.

I have the logfile if folks wish to see it...

Edited by LTD
19 minutes ago, LTD said:

Thanks to Villakarvoarousku for a pleasant (if brutally short) game. Had the bombers made just 1 less hit or Yavaris rolled not perfectly the game would have been quite different - Yavaris would have taken 2 blue and 5 black and possibly died, and the token been handed to Villa. I think I would have gotten even a heavily damaged Admonition because Bright Hope was blocking the path to escape, which would have let the B-Wings have another go... but that is a different story told in a parallel universe.

Thanks for the game! It was certainly an all or nothing plan, and had I managed to catch Jaina's Light I might've been able to last/first Yavaris to bits and scoot out. I pretty much knew LTD had it in the bag when I flew Foresight too far out and JL managed to slip by. Nevertheless, it was a very exciting (and refreshingly quick) game.

Congratulations on your well-earned victory!

@rasproteus vs comatose has ended with a 120-92 victory for comatose, MoV 28. The Hammerheads stripped all the shields off the Liberty, but they couldn't put it into killing range. So I had to shift my attention to killing the Hammerhead and flotilla, and scoring. A lucky Structural meant the 1-damage flotilla died. The Pelta and remaining Hammerhead made good their escape, capturing the objective.

Here's a log file.

40 minutes ago, comatose said:

@rasproteus vs comatose has ended with a 120-92 victory for comatose, MoV 28. The Hammerheads stripped all the shields off the Liberty, but they couldn't put it into killing range. So I had to shift my attention to killing the Hammerhead and flotilla, and scoring. A lucky Structural meant the 1-damage flotilla died. The Pelta and remaining Hammerhead made good their escape, capturing the objective.

Here's a log file.

I knew better than to chase that Pelta, but I did it anyway :) Well played, good game.

Another Mon Cal training exercise between Madine's (drive it like you stole it) Battle Cruiser80 @deDios and an Expanded Launcher Ordnance75 @jp82729 . Great opponent and a very interesting matchup - I likened it to playing with snakes.

The result should be deDios victor with an 8-3 MOV79. The result was calculated in chat as 68-0, but we forgot an A-wing so it should have been 50+18+11=79.

Madine broke form to drop to speed 1 on approach and the O-cruiser used its support fleet to open up turn 3 with a hefty double arc shot. Mon Karren had compartment fires and both red brace tokens that never readied again. MK returned effective fire and moved away, hoping that spinals could do a significant parting shot as it moved on to retrieve the valuable cargo. Aspiration moved away without giving that opportunity.

Tycho and a pair of unmarked a-wings dueled for supremacy among the ships and later around the station with one a-wing dropping in the last round and the other two at 1 hull each in a Mexican stand-off on the station.

Both ships looped back toward one another with the Battle Cruiser strapping on more hull plating at the station on it's way around. Turn 6 left the onlookers wondering how much more the Karren could take (but it still managed to claim a flotilla of transports in the last turn). One more turn would have easily finished it off, but the merciful MC75 crew looked at their brethren through the bulkheads and decided blue milk would be better than destroying a cruiser.

On with the tourney! I'm so excited to actually have time to jump in. The format is limited in opportunities to flank and synergize, but a great to stay in practice and learn vassal.

JJ (1st Player) vs Cael

135-26 (MoV 109)

The quick version of this game, Pryce and JerJerrod allowed my ISD the positioning it needed to kill Cracken turn 3, who was leading the CR90 conga line. Then the ISD followed it up the next round by killing a second CR90. I failed to roll hot enough by one damage to snag the last CR90 for the tabling, and my positioning meant that I couldn't get to the token in time. Boba took out one Z-95 and would have killed the other two, but a parting shot from the last CR90 took away his chance. A great game to my opponent, and a lot of fun for an hour long game!

@Caldias And I wrapped up with a tense game of dice chucking ending up with all the ships smoking but very little dead.

I got a hammerhead that couldn't run fast enough, he got the token.

End score was a 50/39 (11 MOV) win to Caldias.

Great game none the less, thanks Caldias for being a good opponent.

Edited by BrobaFett

Quadro28 vs @PodRacer

116 - 50 in favor of Quadro28

I managed to kill his squadrons and take down the Hammerhead without loss. The MC75 survived with 0 shields and down to 4 hull at one point.

Fun and quick game. Thanks podracer!

@MandalorianMoose and @Dupy just faced off,

23-0 for dupy, 6-5 sorta win.

Mandalorian Moose brought his 2B Tons of angry Star destroyer and a support flotilla against my gnats. I was first. Moose brought a a strat adviser, so my two ships got to go first, always. Moose placed his ISD 2 on the left 3rd and the gozzy on the right third. My bright hope was skirting the edge trying to avoid the isd's wrath. My Landmonition started streaking down the right side of the board.

His Isd turned hard right to track Landmo, Landmo circled to find an opening, or bypass for the token. Some poor maneuvering placed Ladmo in red range of the isd to start taking fire in round 2, and he took fire every round after that.

Round 2, Bright hope sent in the squads at Moose's Gozzy. It fired a couple parting shots as it turned away from Landmo, but, my gnats swarmed it, and it was a smoking hulk after round two.

His ISD parked it at speed 0 as my gnats turned attention on him. Landmo saw an opening and turned hard into the ISD instead of continuing to the token. Setting up for an attack run in round 6. Moose maneuvered the ISD like a champ, accelerated it away and slid the rear end out of black range.

Admo shot his blue in round 6 and slowed to 1 accepting the full side arc of the isd, but, negating the Quad battery turrets effect.

@MandalorianMoose played a great game. Thank you sir! Good Luck.

Moodswing5537 vs. @thecactusman17 is complete. 75 - 0 to me for an 8-3.

I was first player and we played the objective set before us.

A Kuat and two Gonzos.....This was gonna be tough. I placed objective ship Raider wide right straight at the obj token in his deployment, and he placed the Kuat in the middle flanked by both Gonzo's. Demo went semi wide left with my Tua ecm slicer Gonzo in the middle. (refered henceforth as "Hemorrhoid") . The Kuat turned left into a blocking position for the raider, which turned left 90 degrees in order to try to side step, getting only in red range of Kuat. My luck held through the first shot which did 2 dmg after brace. Demo moved then shot/rammed the right most gonzo to death.

My raider got a decent set of dbl arc shots with Ex racks on the front of the Kuat which managed to scratch the paint. Realizing this was a silly fight to get into, Raider moved out of front arc of Kuat, and into close side arc instead. Jesus that thing has teeth all the way around. Luck holding again, a red, blue and 2 black with leading shots reroll got him 4 dmg, braced to 2. Raider lives. At this point we decided that the token would be gotten by the raider and nothing else would die, so we called it.

I attribute this game to bad luck dice for the Kuat, because @thecactusman17 's skill in maneuvering his fleet was evident. Should be bits of raider floating above that battlefield. Good game and I hope to play him again in the future tournies.

MandalorianMoose is the man to beat, heading the list after defeating LTD by 55 points.

The ISD survived a total of 9 B-Wing attacks, 2 HWK, a Yavaris front arc and ram, and some Jaina's Light shooting.

Jaina's Light did not survive 3 lots of ISD side arc shots.

Well done MandalorianMoose!


@Villakarvarousku vs. jp82729 is finished, 135-61 in favor of myself for an 8-3.

Aspiration managed to line up a turn 3 double arc and pick off Admonition in a hit-and-run. The remainder of the game was spent by both fleets circling and grabbing the tokens. Villa's flotilla did off one of the A-wings who lingered around too long.

Another fun game in this format with a great opponent!

Edited by jp82729

JJs (player 1) vs Comatose

200-0 for a 10-1 for me

It was a close fight. Pryce let me get the drop on a hammerhead at the end of turn 2, as well as setup for a turn 3 kill on another. Boba chewed down the third, and the ISD chased the pelta down turn 5 and was able to leading shots the accuracies it needed to lock down the defense tokens. My ISD was at 6 hull remaining as it had to burn the brace turn 2. If I had whiffed on the pelta, there is a chance he would have finished me off with the side arc or with the final hammer head before it went down. A good game to my opponent!

And thanks to @CaribbeanNinja for running this tournament. It's great to get quick games in!

Broba and Moodswing has wrapped with a 10-1 for brobafett.

Anyway, that was game, sorry again Mood.

Edit: ill tag you @moodswing5537

Edited by BrobaFett