what about new traits?

By Mandalore of the Rings, in Imperial Assault Skirmish

I've suggested new dice before but what about new traits? What kind of traits could be added? Any ideas? I always found it weird that "wookie" was a trait. What about a "Rodian" trait to help Greedo, his hired buddies and Vinto? What about a "Leku" trait for species that have the weird dangly Medusa hair like Twi'leks (maybe helping Diala get some use) and Togruta (although Ahsoka is pretty good as is). Actually I was just being silly about that one... It could be used to improve certain figures retroactively by saying such an such a figure also has such and such a trait and can access said CCs. Like Gideon would be added to the "Bald" trait and be able to use "Bald" CC cards (although he is already OP right? He allegedly needs to be nerfed, right? So scrap that trait idea).

But seriously, Rodian would be cool (and maybe other represented species), also maybe something like "Slicer/Hacker" could help some figs, "Sniper" might help Loku and Saska, maybe "Mechanic" could help characters sync better with droids and vehicles, "Assassin", "Pilot"? Any other ideas?

7 minutes ago, Mandelore of the Rings said:

Like Gideon would be added to the "Bald" trait and be able to use "Bald" CC cards


New traits would be cool to have if IA Skirmish used the new dynamic pricing model that X-Wing 2.0 is using.

An academic/scientist trait? Maybe their comand cards could help give bonuses / modify attack & defense through their 'research'.

An engineer trait could be interesting too. Maybe they could modify maps somehow by adding difficult / blocking terrain.

Out of the new waves, new Technicians would include Jawas, Chopper, maybe Hera, and maybe Ko-Tun?

Yeah, also seems Spy covers both spies and scouts.

29 minutes ago, aermet69 said:

Yeah, also seems Spy covers both spies and scouts.

I guess I don't see the problem with that? A Scout's job is to acquire intel, which the Spy trait cards seem to have covered already.

I probably read your post, ThatJakeGuy, a year ago and then forgot about it. You made some great points.

I was thinking the new traits could be used to make unused figures more appealing, sort of like a minor fix. If the CCs for those traits made them have better synergies with other figures and improved them in other ways we might see some more weird lists.

I want to think of say, 12 figures that don't get used (4 from each faction) and then group them into 3 or so thematic traits (roughly) and see if we can come up with some fun CC ideas that would then make those figures tempting to field in a list.

For example: Fenn, Biv, Diala, Loku, RGC, Blaise, Kayn, Sorin, Bossk, Dengar, Trandoshans, Nexu ?? (just ideas)

Then you have a few traits:

1) Engineer/Technician/Slicer??: Loku, Sorin? Dengar?

2) Guerilla/Survivor/Assassin? : Fenn, Blaise, Bossk?

3) Academic/Mystic? no idea______? : Diala, RGC, ?

Then someone like Fenn, who had trait 2) would have access to a CC like "Guerilla Warfare: two adjacent friendly figures become hidden/ or two friendly figures gain two movement points" or whatever.

One plus is that these "minor fixes" would only benefit a group of up till now, unusable figures (so Jawas, Chopper and Hera, who are already pretty great, wouldn't have any traits added). Another positive is that it wouldn't have to change the figures card (so long as everyone now knew that Dengar was also a "Technician" or whatever), you would only have to have the new set of command cards. And it wouldn't be that much for FFG to come up with just a new small set of 15-20 command cards and print 'em up.

Anyway, it's not going to happen, but it's fun brainstorming.