Road to Legend and Sea of Blood

By wingbirdx2, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Hi my group just started a Road to legend game and we liked it so much i went out and got Sea of Blood. However when reading the rulebook for sea of blood i noticed a few differences

#1 The stamina upgrades are smaller

#2 Divine Favor is not in Road to legend

#3 The hero Nanok the Blade has less armor in Sea of blood

I noticed those are not in standard faq and am wondering if these changes should be applied to Road to Legend

Sorry if this has been asked already I looked and could not find anything

Wingbirdx said:

Hi my group just started a Road to legend game and we liked it so much i went out and got Sea of Blood. However when reading the rulebook for sea of blood i noticed a few differences

#1 The stamina upgrades are smaller

#2 Divine Favor is not in Road to legend

#3 The hero Nanok the Blade has less armor in Sea of blood

I noticed those are not in standard faq and am wondering if these changes should be applied to Road to Legend

Sorry if this has been asked already I looked and could not find anything

Apart from the Armor reduction to Nanok, and the different fatigue upgrades, I have used all the other changes made in SoB in my RtL campaigns and there was no problem at all. The increased armor and wounds for bosses made levels a challenge at times at higher campaign levels, which was nice.

One thing to keep in mind though, some of the rumors in SoB are not compatible with RtL...mostly the ones that have to do with finding a map piece and such.

Wingbirdx said:

Hi my group just started a Road to legend game and we liked it so much i went out and got Sea of Blood. However when reading the rulebook for sea of blood i noticed a few differences

#1 The stamina upgrades are smaller

#2 Divine Favor is not in Road to legend

#3 The hero Nanok the Blade has less armor in Sea of blood

I noticed those are not in standard faq and am wondering if these changes should be applied to Road to Legend

Sorry if this has been asked already I looked and could not find anything

Should be? No, at least not officially.

As others have said, some people are finding no troubles with importing some SoB rules direct to RtL. OTOH it is early days yet.
Other people like RtL the way it is and find it a very finely balanced game.

There are also some rules in SoB that should in no circumstances be imported to RtL - Lts not getting treachery for example, or retreating only 1 trail when fleeing.
Some rules will work ok for some Avatars in RtL and be miserable failures for other Avatars - for example seiging 5 cities is ridiculously easy for the Titan but extremely difficult for the Dragon Avatar. Although people complain about the Tamalir raze, Tamalir can be defended by upgrades and the heroes can get there from anywhere on the map in one week. The same cannot be said for other cities which are near impossible to defend consistantly.