After Action Reports to Share

By CommanderDave, in Star Wars: Armada Battle Reports

I am doing a bit of a summer vacation with the wife and kids and that means no Armada for a few weeks. I do have some spare time and so I’ve gone over some of my previous games with pictures and composed some AARs for my own benefit/enjoyment and hopefully for yours.

I’ve been getting pretty good at posting AARs the next day. With the exception of a game with Sato last night , I’ve been trying Imperial Rogue heavy lists with a lot of success. I’ve fiddled with squadron layouts and really like Morna, Boba, Decimator, Firespray, Dengar, and Mauler Mithel. It can clear a light cover or occupy a heavier cover while hitting some ships. Love to get some suggestions or ideas on improving gameplay or list building.

Morna's awesome, always gonna get money out of her. I would strongly suggest adding Jendon in lieu of the second decimator. Better to just attack with Morna twice! Maarek makes a nice third wheel to the party too, but then you start to lose the "rogue" feel and it becomes more of a squad party with Morna thrown in.

Have you tried Bossk? He is pretty good, I usually add him before Boba to squad lists as he just seems to be more valuable.

I have been building imperial fleets in my spare time and I simply do not have a one that doesn’t include Morna in the last few weeks.

I might try just Jendon, and I’ve run Bossk before, but his anti-ship damage ends up feeling subpar compared to a cheaper Firespray or Deci. That said, if I was expecting heavier squadron resistance, I’d be way more likely to add him in.

So, I just went to my first tournament and managed to get 1st, just barely squeaking past @Crabbok in points, who also brought a very rogue heavy Imperial fleet. I took a Screed list with an Interdictor, Flechette Demo, and a bunch of rogue bombers. I posted pics and a bit of a write-up . It was a blast, a ton of fun. I’m so pleased with how things went down. Great games with Bernie and Chris.

Thanks for posting your thoughts, and read the AAR.

Fantastic reports and nice pictures as well!

I attended my local Store Championship yesterday. I took third, which I’m pretty happy about given my limited experience. I brought the same list that has served me well lately: Screed Interdictor/Demo & a bunch of Rogues. My only real hang-up was against Rieekan Aces. I have never played against that, so I learned a ton. I think I’d do a lot better next time. Here’s the write up of the first game:

I had tried Decimators previously, but dropped them in favor of Firesprays due to the ability to get accuracies against scatter aces. After running up against rebel fighter heavy builds, I definitely think the Decimators are back up for consideration. Boba Fett continuously fails me. He just dies so fast for how expensive he is. Definitely going to switch him out in favor of something else. Morna/Jendon/IG88 continues to perform extremely well.