I want to design the next Latari hero. Male infiltrating infantry sniper hero. Doesn't have a mounted option (just like Kari and Ardus), but is reasonably mobile on foot (he is a Latari after all). Since he'll be an expansion hero without a mounted option, we'll have one standard infantry model (suitable for using as an infantry upgrade) and a model where he's posed perched in a small dead tree that fills a siege tray.
Can deploy in any piece of (occupyable) terrain after normal deployment. Gains protected [natural] when within 1-[stable] of overgrowth. Before deployment, place 2 free-standing overgrowth tokens following the same restrictions as terrain.
Has a red ranged attack at 4, a red melee attack at 7, and a yellow ranged attack at 9. Yellow has an accuracy modifier (and maybe a surge?). Red has a hit modifier. Surges give either lethal 1 or allow him to disengage up to shift-X, where X is number of surges spent to a max of 2. He's brutal 1, probably rolls a red and a white.
He probably needs rerolls somewhere. Maybe he could come with an upgrade (not sure whether unique or artifact) that can reroll [natural] dice. Or, better yet -- a unique upgrade that lets him take a skill action to give himself [natural] immobilize tokens. When using a ranged attack, he can spend an immobilize tokens himself to reroll two dice, once per combat.
His infantry upgrade would grant protected [natural] to his unit and lethal [stable], and also give his unit an analogue to the Outland Scouts' unique upgrade that lets them pop up in terrain instead of deploying normally.
Points and unmentioned dial elements negotiable.
Mostly I want to see this as an archetype of Latari leader that chooses the terrain for a battle carefully, and specializes in ambush attacks, at the cost of some of its mobility (encouraging the use of overgrowth, and the abilities that encourage units to stick close to terrain that goes along with that).
Like it? Want to tweak it? Take a shot! Have a hero you want to see? Add it to the mix!