Are any of you on Reddit? Upcoming AMA

By Coyote Walks, in Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game

See here.

I feel that they are not going to say anything actually revealing.

Mantis and Spider Clan, THE CLAN?

Or Mantis and Spider Clan, THE ROLE?

the only question that matters.

EDIT: Will WE as the plays have a say in the contents of the Yoritomo Alliance? The Tourtise Clan should be part of it! Maybe even the Sparrow Clan! Duelist and Courtiers!? Yes Please!

Edited by Foxtrot Four

Ask them when is the unicorn pack coming out

Edited by RafaelNN

I'm hoping like **** that the rumoured Restricted List is announced , and they'll be discussing that. Right now, the game is becoming unfun with all the "nope" cards

Restricted List and their balancing process would be the two things I am interested in.

Something about L5R 3.0?

Who is the best character and why is it Akuma no Oni?

Edited by Mirith

Reminder, this is a little more than 2 hours away.

Will we get something substantial or will it be another 'pillow-fight' moment?

Is it going to be on r/l5r or somewhere else?

r/l5r, as far as I know.

Man, that unicorn spoiler they snuck in. I feel like they expected that card to be a lot more impressive.

Edit: is the image they shared.

Dispatch -` `1 fate unicorn event


Move a unicorn character you control to or from a conflict.

Apparently they felt the need to make it Limited. Our second one so far, right?

Edited by AradonTemplar

Well that was pretty terrible

And I went into that thread with pretty low expectations to start with!

Kind of a Spoiler (more like a tease) in one of the questions:

Are there any cards you are particularly proud of, with how fun and/or thematically appropriate it is?”

Tyler went with Shinjo Shono, but Brad answered “Ikoma Ikehata. ;)”

So probably one of the new Lion cards in the Elemental Cycle. But being one of Brad’s favorite, sure something to keep an eye out for.

One thing I picked up from the AMA was that when they released the game (and presumably already designed at least the Imperial Cycle) that they still didn’t have the multiplayer rules finished.

6 minutes ago, Suzume Tomonori said:

One thing I picked up from the AMA was that when they released the game (and presumably already designed at least the Imperial Cycle) that they still didn’t have the multiplayer rules finished.

Brad Andres said he has been working on those rules for over a year, so I guess they weren’t even sure how to implement Multiplayer rules. Meaning none of the cards up until Imperial Cycle were designed with this particular implementation of MP. So maybe in the future we’ll see cards specifically designed with the final MP Rules in mind.

Super disappointing and lacking in any real info