Hey all,
Casual solo player for a couple of years, finally doubling down by ordering all six Lord of the Rings Saga Expansions (I'd have gone for Hobbit , too, but On the Doorstep is at crazy prices right now, so I'll wait for a reprint).
Only The Black Riders has arrived so far, with the others all due over the next ten days or so. I had a quick test of the first adventure with a deck I had laying around - modified slightly for the Hobbits - but was absolutely crucified by the riders. Once the other expansions have arrived, I'm planning to spend some time building a proper deck, and going for the Campaign mode to play through.
This is where my question comes in. Can I use player cards - including heroes - from later Saga Expansions to create a deck for use from the beginning? I think I'm right in saying there's a Gandalf hero in The Road Darkens , for example, would I be able to create a deck with said Gandalf and then use it for Black Riders? I know you can usually draw cards from anywhere to build your deck, but didn't know if the rules would be slightly different with regards to the saga.
Cheers for any advice you can offer!
Edited by willbrooks1989