Why is there NO complete campaign map for The Realms of Terrinoth?

By Gamemasterbob, in Realms of Terrinoth

I am stumped as to why there is no complete campaign map for Realms of Terrinoth. I figured there would be a folded map in the hardcover book . This does not make sense. I don't like having to search the community for something that should have been part of my purchase. I know that there is a map of Terrinoth in the book, but so much is not there. The chapters have the missing sections but the continuity is nearly impossible to assess. There should be a complete campaign map. And not to mention the lack of a distance scale. I did find some stuff on the forum here (the community here is GREAT!) but not what is needed.

I am a fan of Genesys and the Realms of Terrinoth book, but the missing campaign map just doesn't make sense.

If I missed the map somewhere, please let me know. I have been looking on this forum and on the net. It is not there. I did find a full map gif on the forum that one individual made (a shout and thanx to drainsmith ) that is useful, but I believe that FFG should have AT LEAST included a detailed, hi-res campaign map for download.

Otherwise, is great work.


Edited by Gamemasterbob

You didn’t miss anything, there’s one world map at the start then a collection of regional maps scattered throughout the third chapter of the book. I have been expecting a PDF to show up on FFG’s site, but nothing yet.

FFG has never seen accurate maps as an important element in their rpg line, Warhammer was the same, Star Wars just has the cannon galaxy map and that’s it

Maybe we'll see one if they do a Terrinoth compatible beginner game.

Someone could email customer service and ask.

Thanks for the info. Well, I hope that someone in the community who is good at making maps will make us one and post it. I depend on this community. Thanks in advance.

I emailed Customer Service this message(sent 05/13/18 about 3:15PM EST):
"Are there any plans for a campaign map for The Realms of Terrinoth? We need a detailed, complete map or ALL regions with a scale of miles."

Edited by Gamemasterbob
clarity, new info

They could do a map set, or maybe even a big map that doubles up as a gaming mat... The maps in RoT are quite handy though- it's a bit frustrating that they don't marry up to the text 100% - there are places in the text not on the maps and places on the maps not in the text - I'm not the best arty type for mapmaking but might sketch out some of my own takes to fill in some of the gaps (perhaps by thinking through some of the text in the other Terrinoth games as well).

There are some nice maps with these games too- the Descent quests have some regional maps- you can also use quest maps from Descent if you so wished (more immediate locations such as specific sites or buildings). there are some maps in the online resources linked to the games too such as fan wiki sites. I've linked to a few in other threads.

I probably have to make some maps to plan my quest as the RoT ones just won't cut it- things not on them GM's and players would need to have handy. The maps in RoT are useful though nonetheless- a key benefit of maps includes alternative routes players may take to places, affecting the risks and encounters/challenges/terrain and so on they might face on the way depending which route they take (and of course if they're trying to follow or avoid an NPC, if that NPC is also taking the same route or not and who is where when!)

Another reason to make my own maps is for my own ideas such as a new location Equus where pegasi*, centaurs and unicorns and similar may be found and possibly some brand new locations including some inspired by the Myst games. * I know some people argue you can't have pegasi plural as Pegasus was a specific, single mythical entity, but winged horses in fantasy have been called pegasus/pegasi frequently inspired by that so I disagree. And pegasi is technically incorrect as a plural but it sounds nice and it's being used in fiction where rules are flexible... I could of course go with calling them Yeron as in RoT and Mennara lore-

"He was mounted upon a rare Yeron, one of the winged horses of the Elves." (Lord Roland when he slays Margath)

but then this is a bit unintentionally punny (the winged horse yer on!) and pegasi just sounds nicer. Maybe I go for both. Creatives and overthinking stuff....


I know a guy who found the largest MMO and just screenshotted each "Eastern Squiredom" segment of the map. This guy has played for years and knows the terrain inside and out. Might come in handy...

The lack of a map is the main reason I have not bought this product. It is disheartening to hear that there are no plans to make one.

4 minutes ago, Bookwizard said:

The lack of a map is the main reason I have not bought this product. It is disheartening to hear that there are no plans to make one.

We do have this but it's sold out at the moment and only a copy of what's in ROT.


Would be nice if they improve on the map offering in future - they may do so as Genesys is still fairly early in its life - but remember as a GM you can always specifically make any maps your campaign requires, or sketch them out and maybe find someone willing and able to make them.

Much of the info's there in the text, or on the maps that are in Realms of Terrinoth, if you have any Descent games you can use those maps as a tool too (both the tile maps and the booklet maps), ROT does have some quite handy maps, would be nice to have more. If we get proper campaigns/adventures in future I expect these may have maps with them like the Descent guides do, and fan-made ones may well have such content too.

Maybe any of the Genesys Terrinoth player community with mapmaking skills could improve on what's in ROT and marry it up to the text/ missing details better.

Just to play devils advocate (and not sound like a fanboy) why would a precise Map be a stopping block here?

Terrinoth's run so far has been Runebound, Runewars, Runewars the card game, Runewars the Miniatures game, Descent and Battlelore 2nd edition. None of these game feature prevcise world maps, but just hints and pictures of the world.

A precise map of the world at this point would almost be anti climatic. It would have a precedence on every past piece of IP they have created and force them into defining something that has an advantage at this point by being vague.

I agree. The current ROT map doesn't even match the Runebound maps 100%.

It took a little getting used to, but now I am comfortable with making stuff up as I go along.

"The foremost cartographers of the land have prepared this for you. It's a map of the area that you'll be traversing."

( The map is completely blank )

"They'd be very grateful if you could just fill it in as you go along."

13 hours ago, simpatikool said:

Just to play devils advocate (and not sound like a fanboy) why would a precise Map be a stopping block here?

Terrinoth's run so far has been Runebound, Runewars, Runewars the card game, Runewars the Miniatures game, Descent and Battlelore 2nd edition. None of these game feature prevcise world maps, but just hints and pictures of the world.

A precise map of the world at this point would almost be anti climatic. It would have a precedence on every past piece of IP they have created and force them into defining something that has an advantage at this point by being vague.

An RPG has different needs from the other games in the setting that you mention. They also lacked (probably--I didn't play them) character creation and advancement too, but the RPG realized the need. Fro many RPG players, a map is a need.

Eventhough its not official i found this a good ressource

It's a beautiful map, but it has discrepancies from the official. The Mennara map in the book at least does show all of the areas in the different games, but it is obviously only part of the entire world.

If allowed to post it, here's the best map I've got for it.


They have addressed the "official map" before. The reason an official map with measurements of unit does not exist because they wanted Terrinoth to be adaptable to the needs of a particular play group. Those from Runebound will note that Menarra looks a bit different than was visually depicted in their lore supplements. As for no plot point campaign, I can understand. Any GM out there knows what an tremendous amount of work goes into making a Starting to Epic level campaign for any system. The amount of time and people power needed for something like that would take away from getting other projects done on time. I am disappointed in a lack of an adventure generator, which exists in the later-released Shadow of the Beanstalk. However, making a large campaign that everyone will experience once or be able to reasonably predict if played again seem like a poor investment of Genesys folks.

Makes sense, but even when you drill down to the regional maps, they still often didn't name rivers, etc. In addition, the text of the RoT often mentions towns and locations that simply aren't on the maps for that area. Sure, per section, it's just a few, but it all really adds up. I'm perfectly cool with no scale though. Easy enough to overlay a grid or hex grid and then simply choose your own scale.

i dont understand this discussion.

if you want correct maps, you should sponsor a satellite mission into the orbit of Terrinoth.

that satellite will take radar and laser measurements and relay back the data to be imported into a geographic information system ....


Edited by Terefang